Dog of the Day: Loki the Labrador Retriever American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Meet Loki, a 15-year-old pup! I dunno, I didn’t see him as a Loki. More of an Odin.

Sixteen-Year-Old American Pit Bull Terrier Labrador Retriever Mix

He kept me company while I was having dinner at an outdoor cafe a couple months ago.

Sixteen-Year-Old American Pit Bull Terrier Labrador Retriever Mix

Despite his age, he seemed to be doing pretty well. No real trouble standing up and sitting down again, for example.

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Dog of the Day: Rae the Goldendoodle Puppy

Our last puppy of the run: Rae is an 8-month-old goldendoodle who wants to lick your nose!

Goldendoodle Puppy

Another pup who is next to impossible to get a non-blurry shot of.

Golden Retriever Poodle Mix Puppy

It is ALWAYS face-licking time with Rae. Even when said face is covered by a mask.

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Dog of the Day: Ollie the Australian Shepherd Puppy

Well, things are calming down, and as far as I can tell nobody has been set on fire by either side of our great national divide, so I’m going to call that a plus. I think our puppy emergency is officially over… but I ran into a couple of puppies over the weekend and I can’t resist so I will be posting them anyway. This one is named Ollie, and he is a soft happy adorable Australian shepherd of four months… and he is HUGE for his age.

Also: all of the pictures except the first two were submitted by Ollie’s folks, and are published as-is with no captions or hovertext. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! (Especially the last one. THAT PUPPYBELLY!)

Australian Shepherd Puppy Leaping Up To Grab A Treat

It was next to impossible to get good pictures of him. It was little dim outside, and he was a complete blur.

Australian Shepherd Puppy Sitting And Looking At The Camera

That floof is just as soft as it looks.

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Encore Puppy of the Day: Skippy the German Shepherd

Well, we’re still in need-a-puppyland, so here: have a previously-unpublished picture of the already-posted Skippy, at 10 weeks of age. RIDICULOUS!

Woman Holding Floofy German Shepherd Puppy

I wish we could check up on Skippy, but his instagram seems to have been taken down. BOOOO!

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Dog of the Day: Buster the Maltese Puppy

My pledge to you is that I will keep sending puppies for as long as we so desperately and obviously need puppies. So here is Buster. Buster is a 13-week-old Maltese puppy, named after Buster Keaton. (If you don’t know who that is, go and find out and immediately watch him! He was amazing.)

Maltese Puppy In Carrier

Buster’s dad drove down to L. A. and back to pick him up last week.

Maltese Puppy In Carrier

I don’t blame you, pup: that’d be a tiring drive for me, too.

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Day After Election Puppy: Bently the Labrador Retriever Puppy

We need another puppy, so here’s Bently (13 weeks, boy). We’ve had several Bentleys on here before, including one rather older and less furry than most of our stars, but this is the first Bently.

Chocolate Labrador Retriever Puppy

Bently was looking a lot like I think most of us are feeling right now.

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Election Day Puppies

I think we all need some puppies to get us through the day. So meet Denali (the German shepherd/husky/doberman mix), Bixby (the female tricolor Aussie) and Finn (the male merle Aussie). Finn weighs almost twice as much as Bixby, but they’re brother and sister, from the same litter, both aged 17 weeks. Finn is gonna be huuuuuge!

Also Bixby and Finn both have instagrams, at Bixbytheminiaussie and wigglebuttadventures (!) respectively. You should visit them. They are full of an incredible amount of cuteness. Denali is no relation to either of them, they are just instant friends.

No captions and no hovertext for today’s adventure. Too much cuteness, sass, and attitude for me to capture with mere words. (Although check out the first three. Amazing how thoroughly Bixby is able to tangle herself up in her own leash. That takes talent!)

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Dog of the Day: Connor the Irish Cheez Doodle

We’ve seen Connor here before. He one of Autumn’s family dogs. He’s “Irish” because he’s half Irish setter, he’s “doodle” because he’s half poodle, and he’s cheez because he’s all cheese.

Irish Setter Poodle Mix Lying On A Sofa With His Paws Up

Connor is a somewhat bitey sort of gentleman, too. Or at least nippy. But he means well. We think.

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Dog of the Day: Ziggy the Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppy

Ziggy is well-named: he zigs and zags with great energy and enthusiasm. He is also only eight months old, so he is going to be big for a mini-Aussie!

No captions and no hovertext, because I am just not feeling it tonight. But I did edit out his leash for you. And let me just say that I love that little head-tilt…

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Dog of the Day: Scruffy Terrier Pit Bull Mix

I got this pup’s name, but the note for that day somehow just vanished from my phone even as I watched. So weird.

Anyway, I do remember that he’s some kind of scruffy-terrier/pit bull terrier mix.

Scruffy Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking Dubious

I also recall that he was very, very dubious about me.

Scruffy Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking Dubious

Bark bark bark! Sheesh. I must be losing my touch from all this dog-isolation.

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