Tag Archives: Lafayette Park

Dog of the Day: Polar Bear the Great Pyrenees Husky Mix

I guessed Bear’s (5) breed right off. A GREAT HUSKY!

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Double Dog Independence Day: Puffington and Emma the Pembroke Welsh Corgis

Happy Fourth of July! I wonder if these two are huddling terrified in a bathtub or happily watching the fireworks? Either way, I hope they have a safe celebration.

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Triple Dog Day: Baby Sinatra the Chihuahua, Eevie the Australian Shepherd, and Blue the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy

These three had enough personality for a whole dog pack. Blue in particular is about ten weeks old and pretty much ohmygodcute. Anyone want to write some hovertext for me? They’re very expressive.

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Dog of the Day: Loki Chaos Malligator MacAlistair III the Belgian Malinois Puppy

Yes, 11 months old is kind of stretching the definition of ‘puppy’, but Loki still thinks of himself as one, so who am I to judge? Also, don’t you love his name?

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Dog of the Day: Saint Bernard

My notes here say that this pup is a six-year-old girl. But not what her name is. Quite an oversight!

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Puppy of the Day: Bless the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

ANOTHER puppy! Bless (7 months old) wasn’t at CorgiCon, which I still owe you folks some more pictures from, because he had to take a trip down to LA. Maybe next time!

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Dog of the (Birth)Day: Summer the Golden Retriever

Today, Summer is a dog! She turns one year old today, and she is going to get a birthday cake to celebrate. Which is awesome. All dogs should get birthday cakes.

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BirthDog of the Day: Truckee the Taiwanese Street Dog

I ran into Truckee last week, and her mom mentioned that today was going to be her fifth birthday, so we get to celebrate yet again. Yay!

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Dog of the Day: Sugo the Siberian Husky

I ran into Sugo (4) and his mom and dad while I was out wandering before work one day last week. And it turns out that he is one of the mascots for a nice little restaurant on Fillmore Street, … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Bernadoodle Puppy

Pretty sure he’s a Bernadoodle, though I don’t have any notes on him. I’m absolutely sure he’s adorable, though.

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