Dog of the Day: Floofy Australian Shepherd

So pretty and extra fluffy!

Red Heeler Grinning

All I want is a spouse who looks at me like ANY AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD looks at me.

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Dog of the Day: Sad Golden

Someone has the ‘golden eyes’ down pat, huh?

Golden Retriever Looking Sad

Not all dogs like hugs, but you can just tell this one does.

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Dog of the Day: Roman the Mountain Cur

Roman and I ran into one another a couple years back when I was visiting Cleveland for a conference. It’s inexcusable that I haven’t posted him before now: I didn’t get a lot of great pictures of him, but he’s our first mountain cur! And a fine honorary Dog of San Francisco.

Brindled Mountain Cur

In fact, I had never even heard of a ‘mountain cur’ before I ran into him. Which is saying something, given that I’m just about celebrating my eleventh blogaversary!

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Dog of the Day: Labrador Retriever Mix

I don’t know anything about this guy. I think Autumn took the picture. Maybe a Lab dachshund mix?

Edit: Per Autumn, his name is Bogart, and he is a Lab/Bassett mix. Evidence is inconclusive on whether he is named after Humphrey Bogart or ‘Don’t Bogart that dog food!’

Labrador Retriever Dachshund Mix

Someone knows their ballet ‘third position’.

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Dog of the Day: Trixie the Shiba Inu

Welp. Yesterday my computer kind of melted, and I got to spend most of Thanksgiving and Black Friday backing it up and then reinstalling the OS. There was nothing wrong with it except for the OS, and I haven’t the foggiest idea why or how it happened.

Regardless, happy belated Thanksgiving. I am thankful for Trixie, here, who is one of my favorite dogs in the land. She is the shop dog for a local grocery store, and is always happy to greet friends, especially when they come bearing skritches.

Shiba Inu Lifting Her Chin

Shibas always seem to love chin-scratches more than other dogs, and cheek scratches even moreso!

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Double Dog Day: The Puppies of Perpetual Confusion

Autumn’s babysitting a pair of boxers. They’re so adorable, with the saggy lips and the floppy-down ears and the puzzled expressions.

Two Boxers Looking Sad

Don’t you just want to ‘blblblblblblbl’ those lips?

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Dog of the Day: Goofy Little Foofly Wiener

Someone looks awfully sly. I wonder what she’s thinking?

Yellow Long-Haired Dachshund

Been a while since we had a foofly wiener on here!

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Dog of the Day: Intense Corgi

Someone has had a little too much caffeine, maybe?

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Double Dog Day: Two Pembroke Welsh Corgis

These two shady characters were skulking around the last CorgiCon I went to.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi And Corgi Puppy On Beach

Which one is the cool kid and which one is the dork? You decide!

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Dog of the Day: Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Someone went down to the beach and got a bit… sticky!

Australian Cattle Dog Mix In The Water With A Stick

He looks very proud, doesn’t he?

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