I’m really not sure about anything about this one, except for the fact that it is utterly ridiculous.
Edit: This pup’s adoptive family have showed up in the comments (and in an email to me). It sounds like she’s found a happy home, and has been named Macy in honor of her former position. Too cute!

He was people-watching. He didn’t get up or do anything except stare out the window with a look of complete absorption. At least, until…
We saw that dog on the 19th of December and we went to the SF SPCA and we were going to get her but she was on hold but when we were about to leave the hold was not there so we got the same dog and her name is macy
You are SO LUCKY. 🙂
We know the “present” story of this this precious dog. She grabbed the hearts of a wonderful family who shares the spirit of Christmas year around. To remember her “beginnings” she is now called, MACY, rightfully so! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with excellent photos, meaningful comments and a nice sense of humor.