Through a series of funny coincidences, I found out a while back that Sully is now named Sally, and was adopted and is leading a happy life down in Glen Park, a neighborhood of San Francisco. A couple of weeks ago I was invited to come down and see her and another dog (a gorgeous standard schnauzer named Jailbreak), have a little wine, and take a bunch of pictures. How could I refuse?
A terrible problem occurred after that, though: I have 300 pictures of the two of them, and around 50 of them are adorable and not blurry. It is taking me forever to choose! So I’m going to post some pictures of Sally today, and some of Jailbreak tomorrow, and then some of both of them together on Wednesday. Assuming everything goes as planned, of course.
I’m also going to include a few pictures of Sally that her family sent me. You’ll be able to tell which ones they are, by the fact that they are incredibly perfectly adorable.

Sally was friendly but a little skittish the first time I saw her, but she has absolutely blossomed in her new home.

She had a huge grin on her face almost the entire time I was there. And the exceptions were mostly because when you’re wrestling with another dog it’s hard to grin and achieve a hold at the same time. Sometimes she chose one, sometimes she chose the other. Either way, she was happy.

The house she lives in has a pair of gorgeous back porches connected by a spiral staircase. I’ll try not to exude any more envy than I have to. 🙂

The only two times I saw her looking other than delighted was when her friend Jailbreak and his humans left, and when I and a couple of other people left. She just loves people instantly, and then never wants them to leave again. It’s so adorable.
This is so AWESOME!!! I remember when you were advocating for Sully/Sally when she was found and then when she was at SFACC. This is such a great way for Sally’s story to continue. I love all the pictures, but the last one is my favorite as she just looks so content with her people and her life. Thank you Sally’s people for sharing and thanks to Adam as always for bringing smiles to my day : )
Isn’t it? I wish all the dog stories had as happy an ending as this one.
Sally is bringing us great joy every day, and we are lucky to have her! Fantastic dog!