Another in the series of ‘we’re not really sure’ dogs. All we know is that this guy is clearly pretty awesome, and is also quite clearly convinced of that fact. Autumn thinks maybe he’s a German shepherd/collie mix, whereas I think I see a little bit of golden retriever in there. (Autumn’s the expert, though, so barring contradiction, she controls the tags. Besides… a golden mix with up ears? Does that happen?)
Anyway, whatever he is, he’s pretty clearly a self-confident and very well-trained pup. Two more pictures after the break.

I love the leg over the leash. And he used it just as you might expect, as a ‘hey, wait a minute, I want to meet this guy.’
Now that is nearly the spitting image of my dog Paddy. We think he is also a GSD/Collie mix!
If you have any pictures of Paddy I’d love to see them. I thought this dog was absolutely gorgeous, and I’m sad that I have never seen him again since.
I found one of these pics on Google images and had to take a better look at what I was convinced was a photo of my own dog! I was told Zane is Chow/Shepherd but I’m think ing more retriever before seeing this. He is a mirror image to this dog at about 28 months old.
If you have any pictures of your dog on the net somewhere, I’d love to see them. This pup is one of my favorites of all the dogs I’ve taken pictures of, and I really wish I could get some more!
If you would like to email me I have plenty of pictures of my Zane. This is honestly the most amazing dog I have been around and so proud to his Ma!
Feel free to contact for more photos
That looks just like our Golden Shepherd.
Really? I’d love to see some pictures, if you have any. This has got to be one of my favorite dogs I ever photographed.
I had won of theses dog my mom friend gave it way when I wasn’t thee
But I would like to know every breed to make that dog I really loved her so I want another one that looks like it
Aw, man, that sucks. I hope you can find the perfect dog for you. If your pup was anything like this one she was totally awesome.
This dog is nearly identical to my Tonka!
I’ve been trying to figure out what he is made up of since I adopted him–the folks at the shelter had no idea but I was searching for German shepherd mixes when I came across this pup and I had to do a double-take. If not for the strange collar I would have believed this was my dog. I’d love to share some photos if you’re interested!
I’d love to see some pictures! Feel free to leave some links in a comment. (If you need to upload them somewhere, is a pretty good choice… it’s quite simple and straightforward to use.)
You’re lucky to have Tonka… this guy and Charlie are two of my favorite dogs ever. So gorgeous.
Let me know if this works–they’re not the best photos but I can try to get some more.
Wow, that is one gorgeous dog! Looks even a bit more like Charlie than it does like the dog on this page.
How old is he?
Charlie is beautiful! Tonk is about 3 1/2 years old now. I get tons of people asking what breed he is, and the guesses are pretty entertaining. Several people seem convinced that he has some coyote or wolf in him, but other than his attitude and a couple subtle features I don’t really see it. Although it’s far from unheard-of for that to happen here in Montana.