Dog of the Day: Pancakes the Golden Retriever/Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix

We haven’t had a corgi/golden mix since our last round of Holly pictures.

Gold and White Golden Retriever/Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix with Half-Up Ears

I knew just what we had here when I saw the half-up ears, the stubby legs, and the golden fur.

Gold and White Golden Retriever/Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix with Half-Up Ears

Dog ear genetics baffle me.

Golden Retriever/Corgi Mix Fetching a Ball in Front of AT&T Park/Giants' Stadium

Kind of a neat place to play fetch.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi/Golden Retriever Mix Lying Down With a Tennis Ball

Happy face, and waggy tail-blur.


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9 Responses to Dog of the Day: Pancakes the Golden Retriever/Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix

  1. Katie says:

    Pancakes is very happy to be famous. And he says hello.

    –Pancakes’s mom

  2. Pingback: Dog of the Day: Pancakes the Corgi/Golden Retriever Repeat Customer (With Bonus Dachsund in a Dress) | The Dogs of San Francisco

  3. Peggy Schuman says:

    I am looking to adopt a dog like this. Any ideas of where I could find one?

    • Adam Lang says:

      I’m afraid not. Golden retriever/corgi is an absolutely amazing combination, though, isn’t it? I wish you the best of luck finding one.

  4. Raven Summer says:

    hi Pancakes! you’re look like my dog “Rambo” 🙂

  5. Lorne says:

    I have a golden corgi mix. I’m so in love with this breed, I would love to find another.

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