Tag Archives: Berkeley

Dog of the Day: Xander the Chihuahua Shiba Inu Mix

I ran into Xander (12) in Berkeley, and amused his folks no end by guessing not only his breed mix, but also the origin of his name (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

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Dog of the Day: Georgie the Goldendoodle

I have been remiss in my posts. So sorry! It’s complicated being a vagrant migrant temporarily displaced person, and taking care of a giant ball of goof and love is a task too! But I will soldier on. Today, say … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Lulu the Mutt

I am dog-sitting! I’m in a lovely house in Berkeley, conveniently a block away from a hospital (just in case I klutz it up!) and two blocks from an apparently-very-good Ethiopian restaurant. We’ll try that in the next couple days. … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Memo the Chihuahua Mix

Memo is eleven, and a very gregarious pup.

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Dog of the Day: Mia the Labrador Retriever Mix

Mia is a rescued street dog from Mexico. She’s quite the frisky girl, and friendly as all get-out. Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Golden Retriever

Can’t remember what the cone was for… a hot spot maybe? Didn’t slow her down any, in any case.

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Dog of the Day: American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy

Oh my god the ears.

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Dog of the Day: Winry the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Puppy

I ran into Winry on the same day as I did yesterday’s puppy. Winry was a little less hyper, but no less sweet.  

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Dog of the Day: Great Pyrenees

Surely this must be the very queen of floof!

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Dog of the Day: Momo the Nepalese Street Dog

Momo (girl, 5 years old) came from Nepal, and despite a rather rough start in life, loves everyone in sight. She’s also among the most photogenic dogs I’ve ever run across. Very, very tired, so I will let Momo speak … Continue reading

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