Tag Archives: Sea Lions

Sunday Switchup: A Bumper Crop Of Seal Ions

I dropped by Pier 39 at the end of May to discover that the sea lion floats were overbooked. (If you’re not familiar, for some reason sea lions love to congregate on a set of floating dock thingies in the … Continue reading

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Seal-tur-day Supplement: Seal Ions

Okay okay they’re sea lions. But sea lions are in the family known as ‘eared SEALS’ so deal with it!

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Sunday Switchup: The Baby Seal Club

I love how expressive seal faces can be.

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Sunday Switchup: Sea Lions

We haven’t had any ‘ork-orks’ (sea lions) for quite some time. So here are a couple of our fearless, flippered, furry friends. (And friends they are… I wanna go swimming with the sea lions like these guys did!)

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Sleepy Sunday Switchup: Sea Lions

I realize I post a fair number of pictures of these guys, but hey… I like ’em.

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Sunday Switchup: Seal Ions

Some of our local pack. (Or would it be ‘pride’?)

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Caturday Supplement: Birthday Watercats!

It’s Autumn’s birthday tomorrow, and how better to celebrate this caturday than with some sea lions, playing in the bay?  

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SeaDogDay Supplement: Bloooorp!

A few Monterey sea doggies for your delectation.

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Caturday Supplement: …what? He has whiskers!

As I said, Caturday is my day for ‘not dogs’. This guy might be a sea-dog, but he’s definitely not a dog-dog. I was down on a pier in the SF Bay, and there were some people crabbing off the … Continue reading

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Sea Dogs of Autumn’s Birthday: Pier 39 Sea Lions

In celebration of Autumn’s birthday, something unusual for today. (Plus I just love these guys because they’re awesome.)  

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