Tag Archives: Irish Setter

Dog of the Day: Connor the Irish Doodle

Connor, one of Autumn’s two family dogs, has showed up here before. But I just had to show off these new pictures taken by her folks, because, well, you’ll see. If we ask nicely in the comments section, maybe we … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Conor the Irish Setter Poodle Mix

I am off at a data science training in Arizona, but I just have to post Conor. Conor is Autumn’s folks new pup, adopted to be Begley’s calmer and more sensible younger brother. (No, seriously. Begley is a nutbar, and … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Irish Setter Puppy

Last Milwaukee post. This poor pup was getting a little more attention than he could really handle at six months. He was being very good, but he was preeeetty pooped by this time.

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Dog o’ The Mornin’: Blaise the Irish Setter

I know nobody from Ireland says ‘top o’ the morning’, but then again, it’s not the morning, either. (Well, I guess it’s morning in Ireland, but…) Blaise is 8, and gorgeous, and I don’t know why we don’t see more … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Milli the Golden Retriever Irish Setter Mix Repeat Customer!

If you do not instantly squeal at the sound of the name ‘Milli’ then you have not been reading my blog for long enough and must do some remedial work. Go check out this link hereĀ and report back… I’ll wait. … Continue reading

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Dog of St. Patrick’s Day: Tigger the Irish Setter

Happy St. Paddy’s Day! I found Tigger (that’s T-I-Double-Guh ERRR!) the Irish setter last month while adventuring in Bernal Heights. He’s eleven, so he’s maybe a bit less apt to pounce on people, but he’s still sproinging around happily.

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Dog of the Day: Milli (aka @sillipup) the Irish Setter Puppy

Autumn and I had a VERY good dog day on Sunday. I mean, like, we had to cut a couple of photo shoots of puppies short because we saw ANOTHER PUPPY. That never happens! Milli (who has her own twitter … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Cricket the Irish Setter

Our second Irish setter! Cricket (I love that name) is just barely ten years old, and still zipping around.

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Dog of the Day: Declan the Irish Setter Again

Okay, I was just going to add these pictures to the original post I made of Declan, but they’re so gorgeous that I think they deserve their own post.

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Dog of the Day: Declan the Irish Setter

Got about twenty pictures of Declan last weekend. Eighteen of them were blurry and two looked like this (only worse: this is after lots of screwing around with brightness and color.) But dammit, I want our first Irish setter, and … Continue reading

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