Dog of the Day: Dill the Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppy

It must be a spring thing: I’ve been running into so many puppies lately! And thank goodness for that, they’ve been keeping me going. In this particular case, I was on my way home from work last Friday and I saw this woman’s back, and there was something fluffy poking out from the side. And I ran to catch up and it turned out to be a @minidoseofdill!

You need to visit that link. RUN. DO NOT WALK.

Anyway, Dill is 14 weeks old or so, and he is… shockingly huge for a miniature Australian shepherd puppy of that age. Most mini Aussies don’t get much bigger than he is now. So I have my doubts whether he’s really a mini. Fortunately they live near me, so I might well be able to see how big he gets.

Woman Holding Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

You need to look at the two of them. THEY HAVE THE SAME GLASSES. AND THE SAME TONGUE ‘BLEP!’

Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

The iPhone’s portrait mode mangled several similar photos to this. Have to get used to vetting them before I upload them to my Mac, because while they’re still on the phone I can fix them. Stupid. Should be able to after I download them too.

Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy Sticking His Nose Up To The Camera

Dill was mostly quite well-behaved. Mostly.

Woman Holding Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

These two are going to be a force to be reckoned with. (Also LOOK AT THOSE PAWS. BIG! BIG BIG BIG!)

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Dog of the Day: Katie the Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy

Katie is the puppy of a coworker of mine. She’s so young she hasn’t had her final shots yet, but she’s already big enough to knock people over. She’s gonna be huuuuuge!

Sorry, no inspiration today so you’ll just have to live with the incredible cuteness of Katie without the mediating influence of my prose.

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Caturday-On-Sunday: Sleeping Kitties!

Sorry about missing yesterday. I was kind of out of it. Still am, really, but I felt like a little adorability, so you get the benefit of my fluff jones.

Three cats sleeping in a pile.

Look at that nose. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a tabby with a nose colored like that before.

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Dapper Dog Day: Dino the D’Awwwsome

I don’t recall what Dino is, but oh MAN is he a dapper one!

Happy Little Grey Dog Wearing A Tuxedo Halter And Bow Tie


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Old, Patient Dog of the Day: Unknown Mix

I don’t know what this guy is, but I wish I had half his patience and poise.

Old Mutt

Don’t worry, it wasn’t actually raining, just a bit damp.

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Dog of the Day: Hobbes the French Bulldog

This last weekend I dogsat for a pair of French bulldogs named Calvin and Hobbes. I got a few good pics, but don’t have much time this evening, so consider this a preview.

Edit: Have I ever mentioned that I hate wordpress? Because it decided to rotate my image 90 degrees for no reason, and I didn’t catch it until today.

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We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Caturday For This Important Announcement


I met Donzie today at CorgiCon. (Yes, that was today. Sorry I didn’t mention it in advance, it kind of snuck up on me.) So Donzie had an entire corgi convention in honor of his birthday!

Someone got a buzz cut for last week’s heat wave. (And yes, when it gets up into the mid-90s for several days here it’s a heat wave. Especially if it stays in the 80s overnight. Nobody has A/C. And that’s MISERABLE.)

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Dog of the Day: Unknown Mixed Breed

I don’t remember much about this guy, except that he was happy to see me.

Grinning Small Black Dog Sitting In Woman's Lap

Yes, the halter says ‘Gooby’. No, I’m not sure why. It’s not his name.

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Dog of the Day: Indigo the American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy

Indigo was on her first foray into the Airbnb offices (same building I work in) when I took these pictures. She was eleven weeks old, and already everybody’s friend. She’s going to fit into that office just fine, I’m sure.

White American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy Wearing Beads

The direction she’s gazing in is the Airbnb cafeteria. Which I am not allowed to eat in, curse the luck.

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Dogschnozz of the Day: Hovawart?

think this might be a hovawart, but I’m not sure.

Hovawart Grin

Hovawart or not, he sure is happy.

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