Sunday Switchup: Ambition

Offered without comment. Except to say that I wonder if his name is Little Gomez.

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Dog of the Day: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Another CorgiCon refugee. This one looks like she might have just done something that someone will be after her for. It’s an unusual expression for a corgi: usually they look innocent even while they’re doing something that someone should be after them for.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi On The Beach

Also look at those hocks. Those are some prime corgi hocks.

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Double-Evil-Murder-Dog-Day: Corgi Convicts

These two killers were clearly close to savaging one another at CorgiCon, only someone had treats within a half mile or so.

Two Cardigan Welsh Corgis Play-Fighting

They really do look like killers when you freeze-frame them like this.

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Dog of the Day: Drooly Frenchie

This is one of the pups I dogsat for a few weeks ago.

French Bulldog Shaking Drool Off His Face


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Dog of the Fourth: Charlie the Labradoodle

My coworker, whose dog this is, isn’t actually sure what Charlie is, except that he’s twelve and a giant sweetheart. But he looks like a labradoodle, and I choose to believe that he is because that way I can say that he’s a labradoodle dandy, a labradoodly-awesome guy!

*cough* Well, hey, I never claimed to be a lyricist.

Chocolate Labradoodle Looking Sad

Charlie knows exactly how to get what he wants when he visits the office.

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky Mix

This pup was a bit pint-sized, but had all the sense of humor of a full-sized husky, just… packed down a little tighter.

Small White Fluffy Heterochromatic Siberian Husky Mix

I don’t often get a human-style smile for the camera from a dog.

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Dog of the Day: A Corgi of CorgiCon

I did make it to CorgiCon, really I did. Here’s a little bit of evidence: a corgi that actually managed to get tired out. Let me tell you, that’s a pretty rare thing aside outside of CorgiCon.

Woman Holding Blue Merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Such a serious expression, too. And not just in this picture: in all of them. That was one pooped pup.

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Double Dog Day: Obin and Eva the Bearded Collie Cousins

It’s hard to believe that these two are both the same breed, let alone related. But they are indeed: they’re both bearded collies, a breed that (amazingly) we haven’t yet run across on here. They’re also both ten years old.

Two Bearded Collies, One Shaved

I don’t know which is which, but the one on the left is both shaved and less happy to see me in this picture.

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Double Dog Day: At The Dog Wash

I was recently at a Pet Food Express, and I ran across two dogs who were in for a little wash and brush-up. They had markedly different attitudes towards the whole affair.

Siberian Husky Being Bathed

Sometimes panting is a sign of stress. Not this time. Totally relaxed and down with it.

German Shepherd Mix Looking Dubious

Aaaand… not so much.


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Dog of the Day: Dill the Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppy

It must be a spring thing: I’ve been running into so many puppies lately! And thank goodness for that, they’ve been keeping me going. In this particular case, I was on my way home from work last Friday and I saw this woman’s back, and there was something fluffy poking out from the side. And I ran to catch up and it turned out to be a @minidoseofdill!

You need to visit that link. RUN. DO NOT WALK.

Anyway, Dill is 14 weeks old or so, and he is… shockingly huge for a miniature Australian shepherd puppy of that age. Most mini Aussies don’t get much bigger than he is now. So I have my doubts whether he’s really a mini. Fortunately they live near me, so I might well be able to see how big he gets.

Woman Holding Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

You need to look at the two of them. THEY HAVE THE SAME GLASSES. AND THE SAME TONGUE ‘BLEP!’

Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

The iPhone’s portrait mode mangled several similar photos to this. Have to get used to vetting them before I upload them to my Mac, because while they’re still on the phone I can fix them. Stupid. Should be able to after I download them too.

Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy Sticking His Nose Up To The Camera

Dill was mostly quite well-behaved. Mostly.

Woman Holding Adorable Fluffy Australian Shepherd Puppy

These two are going to be a force to be reckoned with. (Also LOOK AT THOSE PAWS. BIG! BIG BIG BIG!)

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