Caturday Supplement: Compact Kitty

Another one of Autumn’s aunt’s kitties. This is apparently a favorite perch.

Calico Cat Sitting On The Back Of A Chair

Precarious perches are a cat’s best friend. Natural defense, maybe? But against what? I wonder what ate cats in their native environment?

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Dog of the Day: Chance the Golden Retriever Puppy

Chance (5 months old) is a gangly fellow. Does that make him ‘slim Chance’?

Golden Retriever In Inflatable Neck Pillow

Someone spent an hour or so in the Apple Store, licking ankles.

Golden Retriever In Inflatable Neck Pillow

He had just gotten out of the big plastic cone of shame and into this one, and was apparently quite relieved.

Golden Retriever In Inflatable Neck Pillow

Goofy goldenface.

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New Year’s Dog: Old Friend

I recently realized that Wrinkle here is actually my oldest friend in the Bay Area now, as the last friend I had from when I lived in the South Bay has moved away, and I met him only a few days after I moved into San Francisco. This also makes him over fifteen years old, so here’s hoping for a healthy new year for him.

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Old Year’s Dog: Cooper the Ridgeback Puppy

Cooper was a new arrival in September (thus making him 12 weeks old when this picture was taken). It seems only fair to make him the dog-in-review for 2018.

The little girl, who is just meeting Cooper for the first time, is named Olivia. Cooper’s mom, the woman in the grey sweater, is just meeting Olivia for the first time too. Which is funny because the woman’s name is also Olivia.

No hovertext or captions for these pictures. Just enjoy.

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Mew Year’s Caturday Supplement: Zorra, Killer Kitty

I cat-sat for Zorra for a few days last week. She liked to rub against my legs, and then savage my hands when I tried to pet her. Mean, mean kitty!


Her favorite location: tucked under the kitchen table.


On her way over to rub against my legs and try to tempt me into getting my fingers in range again.

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Dog of the Day: Husky

I ran into a couple of Siberian huskies a couple weeks ago, one right after the other. This was the lazier of the two: he was camped out in the front hall of a gym, trying to cadge treats and petting from everyone going in to work out. But, oddly enough, apparently not willing to do any working out himself.

Goofy Husky Lying In Sun Puddle

‘Crunch’ fitness seems like an appropriate place for a dog, somehow.

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Dog of Christmas Day: Moby the Foofly Weiner

Have a very Moby Christmas, everyone. And make sure to collect a hug from your loved ones.

Woman Hugging Long-Haired Dachshund

I ran into this pup three times in the same day, in three different places. It was fate.

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Dog of Christmas Eve: Shar Pei

This is my coworker’s dog. I have forgotten his name. I am a bad dog blogger.

Shar Pei Looking Very Surprised

I love that expression.

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Sunday Switchup: Pretty City

San Francisco is a lot different than it was when I moved here.

Still awfully pretty, though.

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The Caturday Before Christmas: The Cat With No Name

I am cat-sitting for a Norwegian forest cat that is so recently adopted that he does not yet have a name. He does, however, have his own forest.

Norwegian Forest Cat Meowing

He is very vocal. I’m trying to help train that out of him. So far, he is winning.

Norwegian Forest Cat Hiding In Artificial Shrub

Seems very Christmasy, doesn’t it?

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