Sunday Switchup: A Bumper Crop Of Seal Ions

I dropped by Pier 39 at the end of May to discover that the sea lion floats were overbooked. (If you’re not familiar, for some reason sea lions love to congregate on a set of floating dock thingies in the San Francisco Bay, right near the touristiest part of the city.) I haven’t seen them like this for like a decade. It was awesome!

Pier 39 Sea Lions In San Francisco
Couldn’t even get a shot of the whole shebang without my wide angle lens.
Pier 39 Sea Lions In San Francisco
Reminds me of tetris. Loud, wiggly tetris. That smells of fish.
Pier 39 Sea Lions In San Francisco
I believe the one near the left, with her nose stuck up in the air, may be a prior incarnation of mine.
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4 Responses to Sunday Switchup: A Bumper Crop Of Seal Ions

  1. Amanda says:


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