Okay, so I’ve fouled up my notes again. According to them, I didn’t take any pictures at all on the day these were taken (June 13), and instead took pictures of a pup named Jinxster, a corgi/German shepherd puppy, on June 12th. Those pictures are entirely missing.
So, is this Jinxster? Is he really a corgi/shepherd mix? With those ears? Ah, who knows? Who cares? All I know is, he’s totally ridiculously adorable.
Edit: So it turns out, as noted in the comments, that this is Jed, not Jinxster. Hi Jed! Jinxster is here.

He looks a little like Watson, actually, except without the slightly cynical expression that Watson so often wears.

I would be an awful puppy parent: I couldn’t resist giving that dog anything he wanted. Look at that face!

I know what he reminds me of! He’s totally a fennec fox!

I dunno. I’m not seeing corgi here… the body isn’t long enough, the legs aren’t short enough. I guess sometimes the puppies have different proportions though.
Ha, yes, we think you may have gotten your notes crossed on this one. This is Jed. We think he’s maybe a Papillon Daschund mix, but not sure. Thanks for posting!
Hah! Yes! Now I see him. Jed the papillon/something-or-other, between 4 and 7 months old, adopted at the giant San Francisco adaptathon!
Bah. I need better note-taking procedures. And a camera that doesn’t forget what day it is.
Hello! I just stumbled on this site. Not sure if I’m even posting to the right place/person. Did you ever figure out the breed of your adorable dog? He is the twin of our new dog, Ronnie, except for the color. Ronnie is white with fawn and brownish patches. But honestly, other than the color, they are identical! When we adopted him, they thought he was a terrier/chihuahua mix, but I was always skeptical. I was thinking more like corgi/papillion, based on size, ears, etc. (He’s about 14 pounds.)
Pingback: Dog of the Day: Jinxster the Corgi/German Shepherd Puppy | The Dogs of San Francisco
I have the same question, this dog is IDENTICAL to my female dog. Ive asked around and people say they think she is a papillon/longhair chihuahua mix. She is the cutest thing ever. Did you ever confirm what this dog is?
Unfortunately, I don’t have an email address for ‘j’ and it doesn’t look like he/she subscribed to notifications. If your dog looks like Jed, though, it’s a pretty good bet. The only thing that makes me wonder is the somewhat floppy ears, since both breeds have very ‘up’ ears.
My female, ZOE, looks exactly like this too! Same color, same everything, and I’ve been trying to figure out her breed and now I think I know! Very sweet disposition and loves to play with other dogs. Also, her bark sounds like a rooster!
Hee, that’s awesome, and I think I know just the sound you mean.