Dog of the Day: Mac the Nice!

Mac (8) is a red short-haired border collie, a breed that originates from up around Redding, CA, not so very far from San Francisco. And at least one of his owners is from near SF originally (not sure about the other.) And I ran into him with his family out in Wyoming. Small world!

Mac used to do a lot of herding. And he is, even as I post this, on his way back to the farm he herded at. You know. Just to keep a paw in.

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Sunday Switchup: Deer, Deer

Rawlins, Wyoming appears to be the deer capital of the world. I have gone cycling to various places six times and seen deer every single time. For a place with so much hunting equipment in the local Walmart, they sure aren’t scared of people.

Two Fawns Eating Grass In Someone's Front Yard

Mom and dad were not too far off. Dad was a rather nice six-point buck with velvet still on his antlers.

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Caturday Supplement: Monorail Cat Is Offline For Repair

Another kitty from the caboodle I captured at the Friends Forever Auburn Cat Sanctuary. She is the ruler of all she surveys, and suffers herself to be petted only occasionally and for short periods. And yet I like her. Because she’s got cat class, and she’s got cat style.

Calico Cat Flopped On Stool

Or should that be ‘she’s got a fat… gut, and she’s got cat style’?

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Dog of the Day: German Shepherd, Roaming Wyoming

I’m currently in Rawlins, Wyoming, staying at a campground for the holiday weekend. I have an electric bicycle which I’m using as a ‘dinghy’, which works out well for the most part. If I need to buy something big, I can drop by a Costco or Target in the Lummox, and if I just need to go somewhere for fun, or if I need to shop for a few things, I can take my backpack and hop on Batty. That’s the bike’s nickname. His full name is, of course, ‘Dingbat’.

Anyway, that’s what I did today. And I saw this majestic pup in her personal limousine and just had to share her.

German Shepherd In The Back Of A Pickup Truck Under A Gorgeous Sky

Did not go over and pet, as much as I wanted to. I’m pretty sure she would have been fine with it, but I’m not so sure the owner would have.

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Dog of the Day: Goofy Work Chihuahua

Almost a year later, and I still cannot remember this pup’s name.

White Chihuahua

Not the friendliest of pups. One of the few I’ve run into multiple times but who has never warmed up to me, no matter how hard I tried.

White Chihuahua Looking Extremely Grumpy And Sleepy

I have been having a lot of trouble getting to sleep. This looks a lot like I do in the mornings.

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Dog of the Day: Moose the Olde English Bulldogge

Moose does have an animal-themed best friend, but his name is ‘Frog’, and not ‘Squirrel’. I guess maybe Squirrel would be too distracting anyway.

Black And White Olde English Bulldog

Funny, France is like three times bigger than Olde Englande, but an Olde English Bulldogge is about three times as big as a Frenchie.

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Sunday Switchup: Dormouse Mouse Door

Ran into this while I was wandering around Hayes Valley. Whoever made it, I love you!

Of course, the real estate market in San Francisco is such that most people still couldn’t afford the place.

Complete with teensy little welcome mat!

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Caturday Supplement: Auburn Adoptable Kitten Siblings!

So, I may have mentioned that I bought an RV. I had to register it before I left California on my current little jaunt. (No, it’s not a vacation, it’s… work. Lots of work. But it’s still kind of cool, in an incredibly OH MY GOD HOW DO PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF SAN FRANCISCO STAND THIS WEATHER sort of way.) So I stopped in Auburn, CA, which is a very small town with a very-small-town DMV. I managed to get to it without actually hitting anything on the winding roads. And discovered that about 100 feet away there was a cat sanctuary, rescue, and adoption center, the Friends Forever Auburn Cat Sanctuary.

And there I found a whole boodle of cats and kittens. These three are siblings: the tuxedo is Cricket, the one with the white face is Hunter, and the one with the outrageous mustache… I didn’t get the name of. Because I am a bad person. They are all adoptable and are loving siblings and would just adore being adopted together. (Or at least two? Who doesn’t need at least two cats?) A quick road trip to Auburn from San Francisco is hardly a hardship, is it?

Also, I am currently in Winnemucca, and it appears that AT&T did not plan for the fact that I am surrounded by about 400 truckers with itchy cell phone fingers, because the signal here is great but the internet is glacial. Uploads take ages, but at least I don’t have to babysit them. Interactive stuff is horribly slow. So you get some cute cat pictures without all of my quasi-witty captions/hovertext today. Lucky you!


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Dog of the Day: Borzou the Hound Mutt

Poor Borzou (6) had a hot spot on his leg, but don’t worry: it had pretty much all healed up by the time this was taken.

(Sorry I’ve been so bad this week! It has been, if not a nightmare, at least somewhat… fraught. But I did stop today for long enough to get a BUNCH of cat pictures, enough for many fine caturdays to come. Expect something extra-cute tomorrow.)

Hound Mix Wearing Cone Of Shame

In the mean time, Borzou had completely gotten used to the cone of shame and was using it to nudge people into petting him.

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Dog of the Day: German Shepherd

Someone didn’t want to let me just pass on by.

German Shepherd Lying On Orange Mat

I run into this pup every once in a while at work, but am not sure I ever got a name.

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