Dog of the Day: Thor the Keeshond

Thor is 1! And he is your very talkative friend. I ran into a couple of other keeshonds a couple of days before I ran into Thor — does that make that week a keeshond cluster? Anyway, you’ll be seeing them shortly.

Keeshond Howling
Every picture but this one has Thor grinning like a goof.
Grinning Keeshond
There, now, that’s more like it.
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Dog of the Day: Miska the Siberian Husky

Miska (a 5-year-old girl) reminds me of a certain sign, which I have helpfully included below the pictures of her for your edification.

Very Sarcastic-Looking Siberian Husky
Most huskies seem to be always laughing. Even if the joke is at your expense.
Siberian Husky Looking Very Sarcastic
Miska does love you. She is just very reserved about it.
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Dog of the Day: Sage the Vizsla and Friends

Sage (1, girl) and these two didn’t know each other at all, but she was totally up for being hugged by her new friends.

A Boy And A Girl Petting A Vizsla
She was skittish but warmed up to me after half a minute or so. She saw these two and fell in love instantly.
Little Girl Petting Vizsla
I think she was actually trying to protect her new friends from me here.
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Dog of the Day: Zumo the Samoyed

Zoooo-moe! Zumo is a gorgeous four year old beastie, who has his own instagram, with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of amazingly glamorous pictures!

Samoyed Grinning With Front Paws Crossed
Zumo’s nickname appears to be ‘Zumo Crossy-Paws’. It doesn’t get a lot more appropriate than that!
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Dog of the Day: Churro the Bernadoodle Puppy

Churro (6 months old, and a boy) is a ridiculous little bundle of energy. I took over twenty pictures, and they all came out blurry. This is the only one that is worth it despite the blur.

Edit: Ooh! I found a second decent picture! Yay!

Bernadoodle Puppy Chewing On His Leash
Sharp puppy teeth. He did slow down a *little* when I petted him, but only until the instant I stopped.
Bernadoodle Puppy Grinning And Looking Crazy
I think this really captures Churro’s soul.
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Dog of the Day: Fennec the ‘Who Knows’ Puppy

Might be part Chihuahua, but really, ‘who knows’ is about right. He’s definitely about six months old, though.

Little Chihuahua Mix Yawning
Someone definitely was in need of a nap.
Little Chihuahua Mix Still Yawning
More than two thirds of my pictures of him were mid-yawn.

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Dog of the Day: Rocky the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu Mix

Rocky (8) has an unusual pedigree: one parent was a Pembroke Welsh corgi, and the other was a Lhasa apso/shih-tzu mix. Definitely seems to have inherited more from the corgi than the other two put together.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu Mix Smiling With Eyes Closed
He’s pretty much the size of a full corgi, maybe a slightly smaller-than-average one.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu Mix Smiling And Dancing
Pretty sure the ‘corgi lolling-tongue grin’ is a permanent fixture on Rocky’s face.
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Dog of the FIRST BIRTHDAY: Milo the Miniature Goldendoodle

I ran across Milo on Sunday, while out and about, and discovered that today was going to be his FIRST BIRTHDAY. He is a very miniature miniature goldendoodle indeed, but he has the goldendoodle attitude, and I think he’ll go far. Little bitty legs blurring as he does.

He has an instagram, but there isn’t much there. You should drop by to see some tiny puppy pictures and encourage his folks to post more!

Too many cute pictures for captions or hovertext.

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Sunday Switchup: Dumpster Dog!

Ran across this lovely creature while out with a friend today. He seems very friendly, doesn’t he?

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Dog of the Day: Ozy the Shiba Inu

Ozy (m, 1) is a foxy little doggo!

No hovertext or captions: too much cute!

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