Lotsa-Dogs Day: Beach Buns

If you think I’ve been posting a lot of corgis lately, you’re right: I’ve been going through my archives, and there are a LOT of CorgiCon pictures that I never got around to posting. Including this one.

Two Women And Lots Of Dogs Running On Ocean Beach In San Francisco
I mean yes it was a warm day but given the temperature of that water that woman is further into it that I wanted to be!
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Dog of Two Days: FLOOOOOOF

I was just looking through my pictures and discovered I had another pretty nice picture of yesterday’s giant ball of fluff, so here you go. Enjoy!

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi On A Beach Looking Happy
Fluffies are even more loaf-shaped than regular corgis. You often can’t even tell they HAVE legs.
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Dog of the Day: C.O.U.F.

Corgis Of Unusual Floof? I don’t think they exist.

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Enjoying Being Patted On The Head On A Beach
More examples of the treatment that I think we all deserve right about now.
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Dognappers, Right Around The Corner

A friend of mine pointed this out to me earlier today. This happened literally three blocks from my apartment. I’ve taken hundreds of dog pictures on that very corner. Guys with a gun demanded her dog and then beat her up. And stole her puppy. I mean there are plenty of bigger things happening that are even crazier right now, but this one happened three blocks away from me, and I just can’t even.

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Dog of the Day: Pampered Pembroke

I need this kind of treatment today.

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Damp Doggo of the Day: Labrador Retriever Terrier Mix?

Not sure about this pup, could also be a golden mix, and who knows what gave him the scruff. It’s so hard to tell when they’re all wet!

Wet And Scruffy Labrador Retriever Mix Sitting On The Beach
Editing the people out of these pictures is a lot easier than it was a few years ago.
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Caturday Supplement: Cleo and Sage the Kitties

I’ve posted a couple pictures of Cleo and Sage before, but they’re good friends of Autumn’s, and she got some more adorable pictures of ’em. No captions or hovertext tonight… I spent all day moving my web sites over to a temporary host, then updating my normal one, then fixing all the things that broke, and… blah blah blah pooooor me. 🙂

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Last Dog of the Year: Sighthound Mix

Not really sure what this pup is. Almost looks like a borzoi mix, or something like that, but that would be pretty unusual. Could be a whippet mixed with something large, or a greyhound mixed with something small, maybe?

Tricolor Skinny Sighthound Mix On Beach Barking
Look at those legs. He’s pretty much the anti-corgi.
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Dog of the Day: Explorer Corgi

Another beach dog, this one on a very long leash indeed.

Lone Wet Pembroke Welsh Corgi On A Very Long Leash Stares Out Into The Pacific Ocean From The Beach
I think someone reeeeeally wanted to go for a swim.
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Dog of the Day: American Eskimo Dog/Skunk Mix

Okay, okay, fine, this is actually a Klee Kai, but that is the skunkiest tail I’ve ever seen on a dog, plus I bet she smells preeeeetty strongly, if not of skunk, then at least of damp doggy.

Having your dog ‘roll over’ that close to the water line is just asking for trouble.
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