Dog of Christmas Day: Corgi Puppy!

Who wouldn’t want a damp, sandy, soulful corgi puppy for Christmas?

Wet Corgi Puppy On The Beach Looking Sad
Someone wants back off that leash.
Disgruntled Corgi Puppy On A Leash, On The Beach
Alas… someone did not get his Christmas wish. Maybe tomorrow!
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Dog of the Day: Floofy Wookie

Someone seemed to have remembered the old adage, “Always let the wookie win.”

Goldendoodle On A Beach
An Ocean Beach dog is a happy dog.

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Dog of the Day: Bo the Beagle

I was out in front of my home over the weekend, saying hello to a friend of mine who was dropping off some cookies and bread for me (THANK YOU FLORENCE!). And who should come by but Bo the Beautiful Beagle (5, and a boy, and also known as ‘Bobo’ and ‘you goofball’.)

Captions and hovertext still aren’t working, so I need to tell you here that the first picture was Bo discovering the cookies that Florence had dropped off for me and the second one is him saying ‘I hope you brought enough for everybody!’

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Mumble Mumble

The site hasn’t been behaving itself terribly well. Bad site! Bad!

I’m also quite frustrated because I haven’t been able to get any cat pictures in AGES! Someone send me a cat picture or two, stat!

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Dog of the Day: Cassidy the Field Spaniel Puppy

Cassidy! Ran into her a couple of years ago, and for some inexplicable and inexcusable reason I haven’t gotten around to posting her until now. She’s a field spaniel, just like Baylor. Not a whole lot of them around, let alone adorable little 14-week-old squirmy ones. The world needs more adorable 14-week-old squirmy field spaniels, I think. Don’t you?

She was really nervous about saying hi to Autumn… for around 30 to 40 seconds. And then she decided her belly needed scratching and that was that.

I’m trying out a new WordPress editor. So far I haven’t figured out how to make hovertext, and my captions aren’t coming out right. I’m going to keep working on it.

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Dog of the Day: Scruffy Wiener

I ran into this wire-haired mini-dachshund in happier days, when I was down at the beach.

Wire-Haired Miniature Dachshund Looking Alert

Can you imagine having fur like that and getting sand all over? It must itch SO MUCH.

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DoSF Bunday Edition!

We haven’t had a Bunday supplement in quite some time. Thanks to my friend and former coworker, Brian, who is currently wandering the country between jobs, we get one! Thanks, Brian!

Wild Bunny Rabbit Near Rosemary

This little friend was hanging around Brian’s picnic table, hoping for a dropped scrap or two.

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Dog of the Day: English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Ran into this pup in a local pet store. He was being a very good boy.

English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Looking Very Obedient

They have puppy obedience classes here once a week, during normal times.

Woman And Her English Cream Golden Retriever Choosing A Chew Toy

“The Sarge” is a rather large chewy treat stick. A bit oversized for a puppy. And yet… it’s always good to have aspirations

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Dog of the Day: Jax the Dalmatian Pit Bull Mix Puppy

Another dog I ran into on my trip down to San Diego, this one on my birthday! Jax was only 6 months old, and a giant bundle of rambunctious fun.

Dalmatian American Pit Bull Terrier Mix Puppy

Jax is a quick change artist. From noble…

American Pit Bull Terrier Dalmatian Mix Puppy

…to goofy, in one second flat. Formula 1, eat your heart out!

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Dog of the Day: Scruffy Littler Terrierist

It was a long, long day, and just the start of a long, long week. Consequently, I’m not feeling much like hovertext or captions. So just have some pictures of a cute little scruffy pup that I ran into when I was down in San Diego for my birthday, two years ago.

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