Honestly I don’t think this guy can be a full vizsla, or, if he is, he sure is a huge one!

Honestly I don’t think this guy can be a full vizsla, or, if he is, he sure is a huge one!
I’ve been living a block away from Leavenworth Street for nearly 20 years now, and I just noticed this today. Funny what you notice and what you don’t, huh?
Sky (2, f) has… quite a look, doesn’t she? She also has quite an Instagram! She is apparently a full border collie. Pretty amazing, huh?
Biscuit is so all-grown-up that she’s old enough to order alcoholic beverages and smoke catnip! (Or so Autumn tells me; I’ve never met her myself.)
There seems to be something seriously wrong on da blarg. This is because somehow, I don’t know how, I can’t find any pictures of my old friend Pepper, the fox terrier. I dogsat her a dozen times, and saw her even more often back when she lived down in SOMA right near where I used to work, and even more since she moved up near me. Did I seriously never post any pictures of her? Did I somehow mislabel them by screwing up her name AND her breed? WHAT HAPPENED? I dunno. I just know that y’all have been missing out, so here she is.