Sadie (six months old) is an amazing representative of a pretty amazing breed. Teeeeensy little herding dogs, even littler than corgis, although perhaps not quite as low to the ground.

Scout is four months old, and full of energy and a great desire to lick anyone or anything that gets in his way. Or gets anywhere near his way. Or doesn’t but looks like it might be thinking about getting near his way at some indefinable future date.
Bob is a six-month-old cockapoo, that most unfortunate of dog breed names, but he doesn’t seem to mind. And of course he doesn’t, because who would care about their breed name when they have such an awesome personal name as BOBBO THE DOGGO! (And no, he is not this Bobbo the Doggo, who is three years older and from Manchester, England.)
I was out for a walk this morning and, mirabile dictu, I ran into four puppies in a row, all between 5 and 7 months in age. I am taking this as a sign and am announcing this and next week as PUPPY WEEKS!
Today, meet Levi, who I ran into a month ago. He is two months old and he will lick you.
Fica (a boy, a nickname for ‘Phillip’) is a visitor from overseas. He’s quite adventurous, for a kitty, and seems to be carefully keeping track of everything going on outside his little chauffeured vehicle.
First of all, how awesome a name is ‘Pretzel?’ Second, I am not sure what ‘border collie mini doodle’ means, but it’s what I have written down. Possibly half goldendoodle and half border collie, or possibly just border collie/poodle. Anyway, she’s eight months old, and looks amazingly scruffy but is actually quite soft. Just like me! (Well… if I don’t shave for a day.)
Buddy, AKA The Dog With All The Ears, is six months old, and can hear us talking about him, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind. Even if he wasn’t terribly friendly with me after I giggled at him. He did seem to like the friend I was with when I saw him, though, and she did a little giggling of her own.