Puppy of the Day: Sadie the Shetland Sheepdog Puppy

Sadie (six months old) is an amazing representative of a pretty amazing breed. Teeeeensy little herding dogs, even littler than corgis, although perhaps not quite as low to the ground.

Sheltie Puppy Looking Cute And Fluffy
Micro-collie to the rescue! (Rescute?)
Sheltie Puppy With Her Head Turned To The Side
Like I said: amazingly pointy.

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Puppy of the Day: Scout the Miniature Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix

Scout is four months old, and full of energy and a great desire to lick anyone or anything that gets in his way. Or gets anywhere near his way. Or doesn’t but looks like it might be thinking about getting near his way at some indefinable future date.

Fluffy Bernadoodle Puppy Grinning
Scout’s mom has an instagram, #laurieblessen. It’s mostly her art, but it has a few amazingly adorable puppy pictures in it!
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Puppy of the Day: Bob the Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix

Bob is a six-month-old cockapoo, that most unfortunate of dog breed names, but he doesn’t seem to mind. And of course he doesn’t, because who would care about their breed name when they have such an awesome personal name as BOBBO THE DOGGO! (And no, he is not this Bobbo the Doggo, who is three years older and from Manchester, England.)

Cockapoo Puppy With An Amazing Goatee
That goatee! Almost makes me want to grow one.
Cockapoo Puppy Sticking His Nose Into The Camera
Haven’t had a puppy schnozz shot in ages!
Cockapoo Lying On His Back And Begging For Belly Rubs
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Caturday Supplement: Frankie The Cutie

I’m cat-sitting this week! Frankie hid from me most of the afternoon, but it didn’t take long for her to warm up, and now she’s lying on the bed waiting for me to come cuddle.

Tortoiseshell Cat Lying On A Bed
Little bitty white toes!
Tortoiseshell Cat Being Petted By Cameraman
See? Happy kitty.
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Dog of the Day: Rocky the Little Sqooshy-Face Pug Pupper

Rocky is fully four months old and wants you to know that he is a big boy now!

Little Pug Puppy
The little soft-serve-ice-cream tail.
Little Pug Puppy Sticking Out One Leg
Those ears are every bit as soft as you think they are.
Pug Puppy Tilting His Head To The Side
Just so squooshy!
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Dog of the Day: Maggie the Italian Mastiff Puppy

Okay, so I’m pushing the definition of puppy here, but Maggie is still only 10 months old. Quite a big ‘un, isn’t she?

Black Italian Mastiff With White Toes
She’s our first cane corso puppy, and only our third one ever.
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Puppy of the Day: Levi the Golden Retriever

I was out for a walk this morning and, mirabile dictu, I ran into four puppies in a row, all between 5 and 7 months in age. I am taking this as a sign and am announcing this and next week as PUPPY WEEKS!

Today, meet Levi, who I ran into a month ago. He is two months old and he will lick you.

Golden Retriever Puppy On A Lawn
When my friend and I saw Levi, he was gamboling through the Marina Green Park.
Golden Retriever Puppy On A Lawn
Just looking at this picture made me yawn.
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Caturday Supplement: Fica The Traveller

Fica (a boy, a nickname for ‘Phillip’) is a visitor from overseas. He’s quite adventurous, for a kitty, and seems to be carefully keeping track of everything going on outside his little chauffeured vehicle.

Tiger Tabby Cat In Cat Carrier
We were hanging out near the pond at the Palace of Fine Arts. Fica seemed quite interested in the egrets and great blue herons.
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Dog of the Day: Pretzel the “Border Collie Mini Doodle” Puppy

First of all, how awesome a name is ‘Pretzel?’ Second, I am not sure what ‘border collie mini doodle’ means, but it’s what I have written down. Possibly half goldendoodle and half border collie, or possibly just border collie/poodle. Anyway, she’s eight months old, and looks amazingly scruffy but is actually quite soft. Just like me! (Well… if I don’t shave for a day.)

Woman Petting Golden Retriever Mix Puppy
This is a friend of mine who helped me pet ALL THE DOGS a couple weekends ago. (The one in the fox hoodie, not the scruffball.)
Scruffy Golden Retriever Mix Puppy
Almost qualifies as a ‘schnozz shot’.
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Dog of the Day: Buddy the Siberian Husky German Shepherd Mix Puppy

Buddy, AKA The Dog With All The Ears, is six months old, and can hear us talking about him, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind. Even if he wasn’t terribly friendly with me after I giggled at him. He did seem to like the friend I was with when I saw him, though, and she did a little giggling of her own.

White Siberian Husky German Shepherd Puppy With Humongous Ears
Pretty goofy, huh? Trust me when I say that they’re even goofier in person.
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