Dog of the Day: Tulip the Chihuahua Terrier Mix Puppy

Well, as you might imagine, I’m not running across too many new dogs in these socially isolated times. But just before this whole thing started, Tulip made her first few visits to my office, and I got a whole bunch of pictures of her! So I’m going to be posting them gradually for a while, interspersed with other pups. She’s four months old, and amazingly photogenic.

Chihuahua Terrier Mix Puppy Lying Down And Sticking Out Her Tongue

She just loves wandering around the office and nuzzling people’s knees. It’s an amazing tension-reducer.

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Dog of the Day: Oliver the Golden Retriever Puppy

Oliver looks pretty well grown, but he’s actually only seven months old!

Reddish Golden Retriever

A very obedient 7-month-old. He sat very patiently.

Reddish Golden Retriever Pointing With One Ear

Of course, he did look around a lot (which is what made his ear floop around like this.)

Reddish Golden Retriever Getting Scratched Under The Chin

Of course he got a reward for being so patient.

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Leap Dog (and Friend) of the Leap Day: Papi the Chihuahua Italian Greyhound Mix

I ran into Papi and his bestest friend ever in the ever-awesome Green Apple Books, on Leap Day, February 29th. They were SO CUTE together!

This has been a really surreal year for me so far. I was sick most of the time from the last week of December through mid-February, and now everybody ELSE is sick. I’ve been stuck at home for more time than I’ve been out and about. It’s… kind of dispiriting.

Woman With Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix In Her Sweatshirt

There’s actually a doggie bag under that sweatshirt.

Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix With Ridiculous Ears Peeking Out Of A Bag

Papi is 4, but still somehow hasn’t managed to grow into his ears.

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Dog of the Day: Tahoe the Australian Shepherd

Tahoe is 11! And he does not like the current state of affairs, oh no, he does not.

Blue Merle Australian Shepherd With Partial Hererochromia

San Francisco is on lockdown, but we’re allowed to go out and take walks, as long as we stay away from other people.

Blue Merle Australian Shepherd With Partial Hererochromia Staring Into The Camera

Fortunately, we don’t have to stay away from dogs. But we aren’t supposed to go around petting them either. IT’S TORTURE!

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Caturday Supplement: Lazy Floofball

Autumn runs across a lot of cats on her dog-walks. Or at least she did, until all her business dried up because nobody’s leaving home these days. All her music business dried up at the same time. This is a pretty hard time to be in either of those businesses.

Large Mackerel Tabby Cat

Somehow this is the coloration I think of whenever I think ‘cat’.

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Dog of the Day: I’m Not Sure

I can’t quite place this pup. I think he’s a purebred, but I’m not sure. Any ideas?

Small Dog On MUNI Seat

I don’t know what he is but he wandered up and down the aisle, nuzzling ankles, and then lept up onto the seat next to mom…

Small Dog Yawning

…and instantly dozed off.

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Dog of the Day: Zhang the Pomeranian

Zhang is 2 and very… intense.

Blond Pomeranian With Blue Eyes

I wish I hadn’t cut his ears off on this one because the expression is just so priceless.

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Dog of the Day: Bubbs the Old English Sheepdog Puppy

Bubbs (boy, 3 months old) was Wyley’s friend. You can see why I ran to catch up, right?

Black And White Old English Sheepdog Puppy

I think this is the first Old English sheepdog puppy we’ve had!

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Dog of the Day: Wyley the Collie

When I was a kid, a friend of my folks was named ‘Wyley’. He had a beard, but not one quite as impressive as Wyley here, aged 5.

Collie Looking Cheerful

I ran into Wyley in company with a friend. Then after I took some pictures of Wyley, I had to run to catch up with his friend. The life of a dog photographer can be exhausting.

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Dog of the Day: Tofu the Shar Pei Puppy

Tofu (5 months, a boy) had a little facelift recently, to make sure he didn’t have eye problems.

Black Shar Pei Puppy With Stitches

Look at that squooshy mozzle. Shar Peis look goofy.

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