Dog of the Day: Doggie, Bagged

It was an unexpectedly interesting day. Tomorrow is shaping up to be one too. So I figured you may be in need of a doggie bag. I sure am.

Little Black Dog In A Bag

I don’t know what he is, but he looks like a teacup Lab!

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Sunday Switchup: You Otter See My New Friend

Autumn got me a couple of little friends for my birthday. Of course, some assembly was required.

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Dog of the Day: Nola the Boxer Pit Bull Mix Puppy

I think she was Nola, but it might have been Lola, too. I’m pretty sure she was 3 months old, and I’m absolutely certain she was adorable.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy Running

The ears go floop-floop-floop, up and down.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy Running

I ran into her right in front of a dog groomer. She was trying to get past it as fast as she could.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy Looking Sad

She was willing to stop for me, though.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy Looking Disgruntled

Look at the little Charlie Chaplin mustache!

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Double Dog Day: Minka and Como the Klee Kais

Klee kais are pretty much 60 pounds of husky stuffed into a 20-pound body. I guess that can make them pretty… intense.

Two Klee Kais Looking Very Intense

The darker one is Minka, which makes the other one Como.

Two Klee Kais Looking Very Intense

Life certainly would never be boring with them around.

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Dog of the Day: Italian Greyhound

I ran across this pup last summer, while heading out for lunch from work.

Man With Italian Greyhound Butt In His Lap

A great first look at a dog, huh?

Man With Italian Greyhound In His Lap

They definitely had some chemistry going on.

Man With Italian Greyhound In His Lap

No wonder they’re fast: they’re so streamlined!

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Dog of the Day: Ellie the Schnauzer

Autumn got me a pretty neat ‘build-your-own-schnauzer kit‘ for my birthday. It’s just not as cute as the real thing, though.

Black And White Miniature Schnauzer

My notes don’t say whether Daisy is a puppy, or just a little bitty mini-schnauzer.

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Sunday Switchup: Good Advice, If Only I Could Follow It

I wish I could obey this sticker, but currently I’m barking alone. Mostly at the moon. And probably up the wrong tree, too.

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Dog of the Day: Sadie the Pomeranian

My notes say that Sadie is 10, and blind. You sure wouldn’t know it from any of the pictures.

Pomeranian Being Scratched Under The Chin And Sticking Out Her Tongue

I often try to get pictures of dogs while petting them. It usually doesn’t work out this well.

Pomeranian Being Scratched Under The Chin

Can practically see right out the other side.

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Dog of the Day: Nara the Dalmatian Puppy

Having to do a little searching through my archives to find pictures that I haven’t yet posted. Nara here is from way back in 2017, when she was just 8 months old and hyper as anything.

Dalmatian Puppy Standing On A Manhole Cover

She looks so serious!

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Double Dog Day: Puppy And Shiba!

I saw these two in our local dog grooming parlor, Wags. I did not get a single picture where both of them were non-blurry at the same time, but I thought some of these were worth showing off anyway. I am not sure what the puppy is… Aussie with a tail? Berner with unusual markings? SO CUTE.

No captions and no hovertext today. I’m too overwhelmed with cute.

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