Dog of the Day: Virgil the Siberian Husky

Virgil is 3, and has the normal husky sense of humor.

Sable Siberian Husky With Heterochromia Grinning

I love those eyes. The amber one is so gorgeous!

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Dog of the Day: Joey the Golden Retriever Puppy

Joey is still a puppy… 11 months old, and he’s milking that last month for all it’s worth.

Young Golden Retriever Looking Sleepy

Someone was sleeping and I woke him up. I’m so mean.

UnioUnioGod those sad puppydog eyes.

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Sunday Switchup: Double Deer Snow Day

Autumn sent me this picture of a couple of locals she ran into while she was out of town.

Two Bucks In Snow

Would it be inappropriate for me to say ‘Get a load of the racks on those two?’

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Dog of the Day: Baxter the German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

I guessed that Baxter (2) was a husky mix, but his human dad said that he knew the puppy parents and they were a German shepherd and a golden retriever, so that’s that, I guess!

Floofy White German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix With Big Ears And Little Brown Freckles

I don’t know how a golden mix comes by ears like those.

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Dog of the Day: Scruffy Fluffy Pup

I don’t know who this is, or what he is, but he’s cute!

Scruffy Blond Dog With Lovely Beard And Mustache

Very noble-dog attitude there.

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Dog of the Day: Charlie the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Charlie (2, girl) is a total goofberry. I met her outside a grilled cheese restaurant (yes that’s a thing and yes we have a number of them in San Francisco because of course we do) where she was waiting for his grilled cheese.

Red And White Pembroke Welsh Corgi With Blue Eyes

Charlie poses for photos like an absolute pro.

Red And White Pembroke Welsh Corgi Grinning


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Sunday Switchup: Metal Mutt

Somebody is always up for playtime!

Metal Statue of a Dachshund

This is out in front of a dog park not far from my office.

Metal Statue of a Dachshund

I’ve been seeing him a lot. Because he’s also near my doctor’s office.

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Caturday Supplement: Macy’s Window Kitten

Sorry it has a weird line through it, but I thought it was worth it.

Fluffy Kitten With Paper Collar Thingie On

The spot on the nose is pretty good too.

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Dog of the Day: Max the Maximum Mutt With All The Ears

I have run into Max (5) before, but the pictures didn’t come out. This time? I think you’ll agree that they came out just fine.

Mixed Breed Dog With Gigantic Ears

I want to play with his ears, but he wasn’t too down for that.

Mixed Breed Dog With Gigantic Ears

If I owned Max I would make a blog entirely dedicated to him. Or at least an Instagram page.

Mixed Breed Dog With Gigantic Ears Making A Funny Face

So much goof in such a compact package.

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Dog of the After-Birthday: Pickles the Happy Mutt

Pickles (male, 12, and apparently a mix of Dalmatian, German shepherd, pit bull, and collie!) is the pup I mentioned whose birthday I forgot, last Saturday. I’m such a bad person.

Pickles’s human popped by in a comment and said the following:

This website is pawesome! You met my dog, Pickles, yesterday! Just wanted to let you know about foster field trips where some shelters allow you to take a dog out for a couple hours at a time, which helps socialize the dog and gives them more exposure to potential adopters. I do field trips myself, and then write fun bios on social media to highlight their personalities.

Maybe if we’re nice, she’ll give us some links to those bios. And if that kind of thing sounds like fun, talk to your local shelter. If they do it, great! If not, maybe you can suggest the idea.

Mutt Looking Droopy And Sad

Twelve but he gets around all right.

Mutt Looking Happy

I gather he got lots of birthday treats, too.

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