Dog of the Day: Cardie the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

No, I am not sure why this one-year-old Pembroke Welsh corgi is named ‘Cardie’, nor why she seemed so keen on barking at me. But enjoy some pictures of her (no hovertext or captions, though) anyway, won’t you?

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Dog of the Day: Manny the Huskorglet?

Manny (7) could be the half brother of yesterday’s pup! Certainly he looks half huskish. His dad thinks he’s half-corgi, too, but with the ear floppage I wouldn’t be 100% surprised if he were half standard dachshund (those things are surprisingly large) too.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Siberian Husky Mix Maybe With Half Floppy Ears

I don’t think he has a part-blue eye, I think that’s a reflection. In fact, I think if you go to the highest resolution version of this picture (click the pic, then click the desired resolution) and zoom really far in, you can see ME reflected in his eye.

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Dog of the Day: Yoko the Siberian Husky

Yoko? Oh, no! Yoko (4, female) left smeary nose-prints all over my lens. Needless to say, I was not too distraught.

Black And White Siberian Husky With Blue Eyes

When I see huskies in SF, I try to remember to tell their owners about local places that get snow in the winter. Huskies really ought to have snow to play in.

Black And White Siberian Husky With Blue Eyes Sticking Her Nose In The Camera

We haven’t had a good schnozz shot in a while.

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Dog of the Day: Mocha the Thai Street Dog

Man! Mocha is an 11-year-old Thai street dog, but you’d never know either of those things: super-friendly and super-active! And wow… that stripe!

Unknown Mixed Breed Thai Street Dog With Stripe Down His Back

The stripe down his back is apparently natural. Pretty amazing!

Unknown Mixed Breed Thai Street Dog With Stripe Down His Back

Mocha also knows how to wave hi. SO CUTE.

Unknown Mixed Breed Thai Street Dog With Stripe Down His Back

Isn’t that amazing? The fur is super soft on the sides, and only a little rougher on top. But much longer.

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Dog of the Day: Bane the Havanese

Autumn pointed out Bane from inside of a restaurant. He was sitting out in front along with his folks, and Autumn said “Hey, is that dog grinning at me?”

Havanese Dog Grinning

Apparently so!

Havanese Dog Licking Woman's Finger

It was a crepe restaurant. This may have had something to do with the longing looks.

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Dog of the (New Year’s) Day: Bisou the Australian Cattle Dog (Mix?)

‘Bisou’ means ‘kiss’, and Bisou likes to give kisses. She’s 1, and they told me she was an Australian cattle dog mix, although she looks very much like a full-blooded one to me. Except for that happy tail.

Two People With Friendly Australian Cattle Dog

I ran into these three right near my home.

Two People With Friendly Australian Cattle Dog

Not the most well-trained, perhaps. But sweet as all get-out.

Two People With Friendly Australian Cattle Dog

Don’t they make a gorgeous family?


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Dog of the Eve: Baghira the German Shepherd Mix

Baggy (6, and probably half German shepherd, and maybe Lab?) is among the goofiest dogs I have seen in quite some time. He very much wants you to have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve.

German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix Looking Goofy

I ran into this pup in South Bend, outside of a chocolate shop.

German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Mix Looking Goofy

He has the goofiest ears, and the greatest grin. Alas, he did not get any chocolate.

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Dog of the Day: Atrius the Standard Poodle Puppy

I just ran into Atrius today, while on Christmas vacation in Indiana. He’s eleven weeks old and was a baby shower gift from the folks at a pet store to one of their dog groomers. Now, I’m not entirely sure I would get another baby for someone as a gift for someone celebrating a baby, but, well, at least this one is likely to be house-trained a lot earlier.

Apricot And White Poodle Puppy

I had no idea that poodles didn’t have curly hair from early on.

Apricot And White Standard Poodle Puppy

I’d be just fine if their fur stayed this way. It’s super soft.

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Dog of the Day: Begley and His New Christmas Present

I’ve been a bad boy, not posting for four whole days! So in recompense, here’s Begley, one of Autumn’s family dogs, with his favorite Christmas present.

Golden Retriever Looking Happily At A Turkey Hat

Begley was supposed to have calmed down about five years ago. He hasn’t.

Delighted Golden Retriever Wearing Turkey Hat

However, he does get tired from leaping all over people after only 20 to 30 minutes now. As oppsed to three hours.

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Caturday Supplement: Another Macy’s Kitty

Pretty little kitty. I bet she got snapped up right away.

Tabby Kitten

She tried charming everyone who went by. And did a damn good job.

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