Dog of the Day: Gaudi the Golden Retriever

Gaudi (meaning ‘joy’, age 7, boy) is a great name for a golden retriever.

Golden Retriever Super-Close-Up

I really like my latest iPhone’s super-wide-angle lens.

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Dog of the Day: Winry the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Puppy

I ran into Winry on the same day as I did yesterday’s puppy. Winry was a little less hyper, but no less sweet.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Puppy

Puppies seem to come in bursts. I saw three in two days!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Puppy

Totally different attitudes, all equally adorable.


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Dog of the Day: Casanova the Husky Puppy

Well, he sure has stolen my heart!

Siberian Husky Puppy With Black Eye Shadow

11 week old puppies are uniformly super-frustrating: you want ALL THE PICTURES, but 99% of them don’t come out.

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Caturday Supplement: Gorgeous Tortie

A friend of Autumn’s!

Tortoiseshell Kitty

Autumn cat-sat this kitty, who pretty clearly loves her very much.

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Double Dog Day: Logan and Jean Grey the Silken Windhounds

If you don’t know who this sister-and-brother (littermates, three years old) were named after, you’re going to have to look it up on your own. (Logan is the one in the first picture, Jean Grey the one with more white.)

Second day in a row with just too many adorable pictures to caption or hovertext. All the people in the pictures are just passers-by who thought the pair were just as adorable as I did.

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Dog of the Day: Labra-Doorman

This fine pup was guarding the door of the Starving Musician in Santa Cruz, making sure nobody took off with anything valuable.

White Lab Sitting In A Doorway

The musician may be starving but his dog seems to be doing just fine.

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Dog of the Day: Nikko the Shiba Inu

Nikko (Japanese for ‘sunshine’) is a gorgeous two-year-old critter who I ran into just today. According to his dad, he’s mostly friendly unless you try to take his toy away.

Too many cute pictures today to pick just a few, so no hovertext or captions.

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Caturday Supplement: Snoozy Macy’s Window Kittens

These two weren’t seeming very attentive. I think they just wanted to be left alone.

Two Sleeping Kittens

Have to see if I can get a few adoption pictures again this year.

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Dog of the Day: Stella the Unknown Mixed Breed

Meet Stella, 6. Nobody quite knows what she is, but she’s pretty neat, huh?

Grinning Pointy-Eared Mutt With Red Bandana

Someone gets plenty of tooth-brushing. Nice smile!

Pointy-Eared Mutt With Red Bandana

She was a natural in front of the camera.

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Dog of the Day: Cody the Laundrypuppy

I haven’t given you a taste of Cody, AKA Laundrypuppy, in quite a while now. So here he is, five years old and staking his claim to the hearts of all who wander by.

Golden Retriever Sitting On Top Of Washers At A Laundromat

One of these days I’m going to climb up there with him.

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