Dog of the Day: Dexter the Great Dane

Dexter (5) lost his eye to an eye infection when he was a puppy. Didn’t slow him down any though!

One-Eyed Blue Dane Being Snuggled

Just about the least drooly Dane I’ve seen

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Dog of the Day: Mollie the Golden Retriever Mix

Look, another Molly! This one is a golden that I met on the bus.

Golden Retriever Mix

Got a very intense stare, huh?

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Dog of the Day: Mollie Stone the Bearded Collie

I didn’t get the story of how Mollie (4) happened to be named after a grocery store, but I’m sure it’s worth telling. I just know that we sure don’t run into a lot of bearded collies around here.

Bearded Collie Grinning

I guess they must be pretty hard to keep groomed.

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Dog of the Day: Nova the German Shepherd Great Pyrenees Puppy

Nova is only four months old, floopy ears and all. She’s gonna be hugemongous!

Ridiculous German Shepherd Great Pyrenees Puppy With Half Flopped Ears

Those ears. I wonder if they’ll stand up?

Ridiculous German Shepherd Great Pyrenees Puppy With Half Flopped Ears Lying On Her Back And Being Petted

Nobody could pass that pup without a pet!

Ridiculous German Shepherd Great Pyrenees Puppy With Half Flopped Ears Lying On Her Back And Being Petted

She is going to be a belly rub addict at this rate.

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Dog of the Day: Marbles the Husky

Marbles (6) has a ridiculously goof-a-riffic instagram page, full of funny faces and happy times. You should go visit her!

Siberian Husky Looking Stoned

Huskies always look a little stoned. (Unless they’re upset. And they’re usually not upset.)

Siberian Husky Looking Stoned

That gaze. Goofily boring into my soul.


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Dog of the Day: Papillon Mix

Look at that expression. This dog is clearly alert. Which is a good thing, because the world needs more lerts.

Papillon Mix Looking Alert

Not sure what else she is, but definitely some papillon. Those ears!

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Caturday Supplement: Lounger

One of Autumn’s pet-sitting charges. Seems very… relaxed.

Grey Cat Lounging On Sofa

Certainly relaxed, isn’t she?

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Dog of the Day: Tito the Chihuahua

I have been remiss in my dogly duties! That’s because my cold came back and I swear I have slept roughly two thirds of the last week. I’m still not out of the woods yet… I was feeling optimistic earlier today but…

Meh. You don’t want to hear about my cold. I certainly don’t. What you want to do is see Tito, 9, who got awfully chilly on the day that I ran into him.

Man With Chihuahua In His Hoodie

Snug as a bug in a rug, as my mom used to say.

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Dog of the Day: Bandit the Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Easy to see why they call him Bandit. But that’s not the only reason. He’s 7, but he still acts like a rambunctious little puppy.

Australian Cattle Dog Mix With Raccoon-Like Markings On His Eyes

The googles do nothing! Except make Bandit even more adorable.

Australian Cattle Dog Mix With Raccoon-Like Markings On His Eyes

Clearly vicious, right?

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Caturday Supplement: Winkie

A friendly kitty from the SPCA.

Pretty Tiger Tabby Cat

Someone was a street kitty for a while, I bet.

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