Dog of the Year: Trucker the German Shepherd/Rottweiler

Could be a long-haired German shepherd/Rottweiler. Could also be Belgian shepherd, and there are a number of other dog breeds that have similar coloration to the Rottweiler. Anyway, he’s awesome, and fully deserving of the coveted New Year’s spot.

But this is new and interesting for another reason, too… this is the first of the pictures taken with my spiffy new Canon Exilim EX-FH100. Which, yes, is a wee bit of a step up from the built in camera on my iPhone. Thanks, Autumn!

German Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix

The new camera can't claim too much credit here: Trucker is an amazingly photogenic dog.

German Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix

See? Such a pretty dog, and willing to pose for me for as long as I liked.

German Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix

I'm not sure the first two pictures really capture Trucker's attitude right, though. He was happy and cuddly...

German Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix

...although he was initially a bit dubious of me.

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20 Responses to Dog of the Year: Trucker the German Shepherd/Rottweiler

  1. Leslie says:

    My dog looks exactly like this! I got him from a homeless man in Miami who claimed he was a “German Rottweiler”. Been trying to figure out his breed ever since cuz he is a bit short for those breeds. It is uncanny how much this dog and my dog look alike. So funny to find his twin somewhere else in the world!

    • Adam Lang says:

      That’s awesome! Trucker is one of the most gorgeous dogs I’ve ever taken pictures of. Do you have any pictures of your pup online? Please do drop links in the comments if so!

  2. Bob and Joyce johnson says:

    We also had a dog exactly like this with a tiny white patch on his chest. Our neighbour found him wandering the back roads and although he was well fed he had a blemish between his shoulders that our vet said looked like he had a chip removed. We figured he was between one and two years Also we were told he was a cross between a golden retriever and a bermise mountain dog ( known as a golden mountain dog we were so lucky to have had him until his 17th year .)

    • Adam Lang says:

      Wow, a Berner mix that lived 17 years! That’s amazing! Did your pup have the half-up ears like Trucker? Because it’s pretty unusual for two dogs with ‘down’ ears to have ears that aren’t fully down. Still, you never know.

      I’ve taken pictures of a few golden retriever Berner mixes, including this pup here:

      Anyway, it sounds like you had a pretty amazing pup there. If you happen to have any pictures of him online, do post some links in a comment here!

  3. David says:

    We have a wonderful shepherd/rottie mix with very similar markings and expressions, but shorter fur. Black spots on his tongue might mean some chow somewhere in his heritage too. Despite what seems to have been a hard life before we adopted him from a shelter, he has the sweetest temperament ever. He’s loyal, playful, intelligent, appropriately protective, and always wants to be a good dog. We consider ourselves very lucky to have found him.

    • Adam Lang says:

      Aww! Black tongue spots are actually common in Rotties, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s where they came from. Either way, sounds (and looks!) like you have an adorable pup there! (Or rather two!)

  4. Anirudh says:

    sir i have the similar dog,but its not common here in india , i already have a german shephered and mu dad got the above shown dog from some higer altitudes.
    he has been a good boy from pas 1 year . Now i am concered about him , as i found he is not a german shephered . please guide me what meal should i opt for him. as of now i am givimg him canin amd other supplements along witj yogurt .
    i would be obliged if u could leave ur email id here

    • Adam Lang says:

      First I will say congratulations: you have a great dog.

      Second, do not worry. Any meal which you would feed to a German shepherd will be correct for this mix.

  5. Elisabeth says:

    Have you guys heard of a hovawart???

    • Adam Lang says:

      Hah, yes. They’re quite unusual, though. Mixes that look like them are a lot more common. And this guy’s ears are wrong for hovawarts. Not sure his muzzle shape quite fits either.

  6. Jodie Davidson says:

    My dog just passed 3/11/19 just looking to foster one

    • Adam Lang says:

      Aww. So sorry to hear that. Hope you can find a pup!

    • Helen says:


      I’m not sure where you reside, I’m fostering what I believe is a rottweiler/German Shepherd mix, she is super sweet and friendly with all people and other dogs. She approx 10 months. She came from a really bad situation, but now that she has experienced a different life she is so grateful and has opened up tremendously. She is healthy, up to date with shots and she just is special really needs a home or foster.

  7. Brenda Cardillo says:

    Is Trucker up for Adoption or for sale? Just wondering how old he is and what his background story is? Thank You, Sincerely, Brenda

    • Adam Lang says:

      Well, I hate to point it out, but these pictures are from December of 2010. So no, he wasn’t up for adoption when I met him, and somehow I doubt he is now either. Pretty great dog, though, isn’t he?

  8. Rachel says:

    Trucker, the amazing dog in the photo, was my dog! i just randomly googled “rottie shepherd mix” to see some pics of dogs like him, and i instantly recognized his photo and remembered when you stopped us on 14th street to take his picture! I am so incredibly proud that he became Dog of the year 2011. He passed away in 2019 after a long, full and wonderful life. Because I adopted him as an adult, I can’t be sure Of his age, but he lived to at least 15, crazy for a dog his size. He was my soulmate dog, he went with me everywhere, the beach every day, had a zillion dog buddies, and was so well loved. There will never be another like him. Thank you, Adam, for immortalizing him in your photos.

    • Adam Lang says:

      Wow, I’m so glad you ran across this page, and so happy to hear that Trucker was still trucking away eight whole years after I ran into him. He was absolutely one of my favorite dogs on the blog (ssh, don’t tell the others, I love them too!) and I still remember him, after 13 years and probably ten thousand dogs photographed. You were really lucky to have him for such a long time.

      As you can see from the number of comments on this page, on a blog where the average post gets zero, he’s also one of the most popular pups with the visitors. And rightly so: he was awesome.

  9. John Doe says:

    Great story about Trucker!

  10. Rachel says:

    i feel so honored by people’s admiration of trucker , and so proud of my boy! 😍 I do hope that more and more people will go to shelters to adopt their one of a kind dogs, even plenty of purebreds are there too. thanks again, Adam, for showcasing your love of dogs, i love your photos so much 💕

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