Dog of the Day: Nesta, the Chow/Golden/German Shepherd/Husky

Sort of cheating on the identification here, as this is what the dog owner heard from the shelter that he got the pup from. If I recall correctly, this dog is over 10 years old, but you wouldn’t know it from either the teeth or the attitude.

Anyway, there’s definitely something of all four of those breeds in there. Including the ‘I love everyone!’ attitude from the Golden.

Five more pictures, including a tailio close-up, after the break.

Update: Wow, lots of attention for Nesta today! Welcome to DoSF, everyone. Hope you hang around, though I’ll admit that not every dog is quite as spectacular as Nesta is. (Oh, and I’ll try to fix the two-star rating for Tucker’s mom. Not 100% sure how to, but it can’t be too hard… right?)

Super-soft fur. You just want to bury your face in it. And he isn't a smelly dog, so you wouldn't even regret it.

Super-soft fur. You just want to bury your face in it. And he isn't a smelly dog, so you wouldn't even regret it.

Who could resist that face?

Who could resist that face?

Very distinctive ears. Probably the result of a mix between golden (floppy ears) and the erect-eared dogs.

Very distinctive ears. Probably the result of a mix between golden (floppy ears) and the erect-eared dogs.

Look at that happy face.

Look at that happy face.

I hope that, whatever dog Autumn and I eventually get, he or she is as happy as this pup.

I hope that, whatever dog Autumn and I eventually get, he or she is as happy as this pup.

That black bit isn't a shadow, it's actually black fur. Apparently Nesta started out with a black stripe down his back, and it slowly receded until all that was left was a spot on his tail.

That black bit isn't a shadow, it's actually black fur. Apparently Nesta started out with a black stripe down his back, and it slowly receded until all that was left was a spot on his tail.

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15 Responses to Dog of the Day: Nesta, the Chow/Golden/German Shepherd/Husky

  1. Sean says:

    I love the pics of Nesta and thanks for posting them. He was saying last night that he is glad he finally got some media attention.
    Love the web site as well.

  2. Bridget says:

    What a beautiful dog! I love him! Thanks for making him dog of the day!!!! WOOHOO!

  3. WOW, news of Nesta the magnificent is also dog of the day in sunny, Sayulita, Mexico……news travels fast.



  4. Tucker's mom says:

    I tried to rate him with 5 stars but my iPhone malfunctioned and gave him 2 stars! Two stars???? Unacceptable. He is a 10.

  5. Otto and Max's Dad says:

    My boys wish they could be as cool as Nesta! He is definately a handsome man!

  6. Abby says:

    We are members of the Nesta fan club! I love the photos of him outside of his mom and dad’s favorite grocery store! He is so handsome and sweet. We love you Nestie!

  7. Adam Lang says:

    The fan club shows up in force! Welcome, everyone.

    I was thinking that Nesta reminded me of someone, and it turns out that yes, he does. Check out Nesta’s long-lost twin-except-for-the-ears here:

  8. Sean says:

    Adam, you are right. That could be his long lost twin. Very cool.

  9. aunt ernie says:

    nesta 4eva baby!

  10. Brigham says:

    A magnificent example of the breeds…a 5 on a 5 scale. Period. Too bad you can’t rate his heart and personality. For the record, they are both a 6.

  11. Adnan says:

    Nesta is one helluva doggy. He made me smile today, twice!

  12. Walter says:

    Nesta is a great dog. We love to visit him from Boston & NH.
    He is truly laid back like his granpop.

  13. Sean says:

    I promised to update you on Nesta’s spleen surgery.
    We are very happy to report that Nesta had his spleen removed (and another tumor) but they were both benign.
    He is totally cancer free!! He is recovering well and back to his old self.


  14. alang says:

    Awesome! Long may he prowl the Sunset.

    Does he have to wear the Cone of Shame? If so, send me a picture! (If not, send me a picture anyway.) alang at lap dash tech dot com (replacing each piece of punctuation with its equivalent, of course.)

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