Dog of the Day: Sophie the Basset Hound

Sophie is three, but she already knows exactly what she wants and how to get it.

Basset Hound Lying Down

It took her roughly three seconds to flop down and show off her tummy.

Basset Hound Lying Down

Don’t worry, she got plenty of attention between shots.

Basset Hound Sticking Out Her Tongue

If not quite as much as she would have preferred.

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Dog of the Day: Barley the German Shepherd Mix Puppy

Barley (6 months) is an unknown mix, but I choose to believe that he’s a German shepherd mix. In any case, he’s definitely a transplant from out in the country, who was only just starting to get used to our big-city ways, including everyone squealing when they got near him.

German Shepherd Mix Puppy

I think he’ll catch on pretty quick.

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Dog of the Day: Odie the Chihuahua Rat Terrier Mix

Odie (2) is a very inquisitive pup.

Chihauhua Rat Terrier Mix

He had fully convertible ears. This is the ‘back’ position, but there were also ‘down’ and ‘up’.

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Dog of the Day: Mishka the Husky German Shepherd Mix

Mishka is a 5-month-old husky German shepherd (and supposedly Great Pyrenees??) mix with the nickname (and Instagram page) of ‘little bear,’ @lilbearmishka. They claim that it’s because Mishka means bear, but I think they have it a little backwards: actually there was a bear, the mascot of the Soviet Olympic Games back in the 80s, who was named Mishka, but ‘Mishka’ actually means something like ‘little [female] mousie’ in Russian. ‘Mish’ is mouse, -ka is the feminine diminutive ending. If he were a little boy mouse he’d be Mishok.

Yes, I took Russian in high school. And in college. And this is about the most use I’ve gotten out of it in at least a couple of years. And I can’t believe I remember diminutive endings but not, say, more than 100 words of vocabulary. One of which, apparently, is ‘mouse’.

Siberian Husky German Shepherd Mix Puppy

Anyway I love the name ‘little mousie’ for this dog, so this all works for me.

Siberian Husky German Shepherd Mix Puppy

Mishka lives right near me. I’m looking forward to seeing how big she gets!

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Caturday Supplement: Coplas!

La noche que me casa
No pude dormirme un rato
Por estar toda la noche
Corriendo detra de un gato.

Me dijiste que fue un gato
El que entro por tu balcon
Yo no he visto gato prieto
Con sombrero y pantalon!

Black Kitten On A Blanket

Ay lai lai la-ka lai lai, la-ka lai, la la la la!

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Dog of the Day: CorgiCon German Shepherd Corgi Mix

Gotta post at least ONE dog this week, before I post another cat for caturday!

German Shepherd Corgi Mix Running On The Beach

This guy could leap really high for a dog with such short legs. So high, in fact, that all my pictures of him leaping have his head cut off.

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National Caturday

So it turns out that it is National Cat Day. And somehow I haven’t posted anything since last Caturday. Oops.

Well, have another cat anyway!

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Caturday Supplement: Grem-Grem the Magnificent

I have some extra pictures of Grem-Grem lying around, and he is totally gorgeous, so have another!

Floofy Marmalade Cat

Such a magnificent mane on this little lion.

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Dog of the Day: Hound of Some Kind?

Could be a Rottie mix, could be a hound of some kind — I’m not very good with hound breeds, since you don’t see a lot of them around San Francisco. Anyone want to help me out here?

Very Serious-Looking Hound

I feel judged.

Very Serious-Looking Hound

I think he’s a little disappointed, yet quite understanding nonetheless.

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Dog of the Day: Coned Keeshond

I can’t imagine having a Keeshond. They’re friendly, they’re happy, they’re really great dogs, but oh my god the shedding and the fur.

Keeshond In A Code Of Shame

That black is not a muzzle, it’s just the color of his face.

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