Dog of the Day: Gorgeous Husky White Shepherd Mix

I don’t have any notes for this pup, I’m just guessing at her breed. The ‘gorgeous’ part, though, that I’m 100% sure about.

Edit: Well, this post doesn’t seem to have posted yesterday.

Siberian Husky White Shepherd Mix

She may just be a full-blooded husky.

White Siberian Husky Mix

Definitely at least half husky… the right half!

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Dog of the Day: Labrador Retriever

This may be the most ridiculous cone of shame that I have ever encountered, but the pup didn’t seem too upset about it.

Black Labrador Retriever Looking Sad And Wearing A Ridiculous Cone

Someone was milking it for all it was worth, that’s for sure.

Black Labrador Retriever Looking Sad And Wearing A Ridiculous Cone

Also much more interested in attention than food.

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Caturday Supplement: Sleepy Kitten

Someone couldn’t keep his eyes open, but was still mostly able to keep his head upright.

Kitten Falling Asleep

What’s black and white and cute all over?

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Dog of the Day: Unknown Mixed Breed

I don’t know what she is, but isn’t she pretty?

White Labrador Retriever Mix

Could be a Lab mixed with a whippet, maybe. Looks awfully sweet, whatever she is.

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Dog of the Day: CorgiCon Cloud

Pretty sure there isn’t a corgi in the middle of that cloud of white floof, but hey, I could be wrong.

Samoyed Grinning As He Is Petted

Nobody was judgmental just because this pup had such amazingly long legs…

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Dog of the Day: CorgiCon Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy

Someone was a leeeeettle bit hyper.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Looking Manic

He took a quick dip, but I think it was a little cold in there for him.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Giving High Five

And so he ran around getting everyone’s ankles (and in some cases knees) wet.

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Late Caturday Supplement: Pino Pepper and Angelica

Sorry I’m late, lots to do this weekend (including foot surgery on the Lummox!) But I’m also cat-sitting a couple of cuties, so here are Pino (not, as I assumed, Pinot, but short for JalapeƱo) and Angelica.

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Dog of the Day: Shutter-Shy Shetland Sheepdog

This pup’s eyes look pretty weird to me. I think maybe she blinked at just the wrong time. But all that floof is well worth posting anyway.

Shetland Sheepdog

I was too busy burying my face in this pup’s fuzz to het her name.

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Dog of the Day: Winston the Basenji

Winston will always be a name for an English bulldog to me. But Winston here has some of the wrinkles, albeit his are on his forehead.


I will never quite understand what portrait mode chooses to blur. Yes on the leash, no on the pants. Huh?

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky German Shepherd Mix

Ran into this pup in the pet store, where he was valiantly trying to ignore the dog toys and treats that were prominently displayed at head-height.

German Shepherd Husky Mix

Pet stores are great places to get pictures of happy dogs.

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