Dog of the Day: Unknown Mix With Goatee

Quelle distingué!

Black Dog With Grey Goatee

If I thought I’d look half that good in a beard (or get that kind of hug!) I’d grow one tomorrow.

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Dog of the Day: Gertie (Gertrudus) the Australian Shepherd Puppy

Gertie is 6 months old, is a standard Aussie, has an Instagram (@hurdygerti), and is oh my god so much that I can’t even. I can’t even do hovertext or captions. I just have to show you some amazing cuteness. (For even CUTER cuteness, go check out that Instagram. Seriously. It’s well worth it.)

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Dog of the Day: Pismo the Bernadoodle

Pismo (1) has never been to Pismo Beach but I bet he’d like it!

Shaggy Bernadoodle

In case you can’t tell, that’s a bow tie.

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Dog of the Day: Chloe the Pug Puppy

Chloe (3 months old) was not having any of this. She was sleepy and she was not going to be waking up for some no-account web site.

Pug Puppy Being Petted

Look at the little toe-beans!

Woman Petting Pug Puppy

Wish I’d gotten the chance to see Chloe after she’d fully recharged.

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Caturday Supplement: KitTea Cat

I hit KitTea again a few weeks ago. I made a few new friends!

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Dog of the Day: Tito the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I caught this pup on his way to his first CorgiCon. You can see how excited he was for it… he must have been looking forward to it for weeks and weeks.

Delighted Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Is it just me or does Tito have a giant Santa Claus beard?

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Dog of the Day: Floofy Malamute

These two were having such a great time!

Man With Alaskan Malamute

That is such a ‘malamute’ expression.

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Dog of the Day: Anubis the 8 Week Old Pit Mix

I’m just guessing at the breed. It’s awfully hard to tell at 8 weeks of age. But oh my goodness look at that spotty puppy nose!

Also I’m not… quite sure what the tattoos say. It’s not the classic ‘LOVE’ and ‘HATE’ from Night of the Hunter. If there’s one on the thumb it could be ‘LOVER’. Or it could just be ‘OVER’ and the other hand could say ‘EASY’. (Or the other one could be ‘GAME’, but ‘EASY’ is funnier.)

Puppy With Pink And Black Spotted Nose

He was watching other dogs and wagging frantically, but he hadn’t had enough vaccinations to play quite yet. Poor pup!


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Caturday Supplement: Busy With Important Things

Sometimes I wish I were a cat. They never seem to have any trouble getting to sleep, and they certainly don’t seem to sweat the small details.

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Dog of the Day: Sophie the Basset Hound

Sophie is three, but she already knows exactly what she wants and how to get it.

Basset Hound Lying Down

It took her roughly three seconds to flop down and show off her tummy.

Basset Hound Lying Down

Don’t worry, she got plenty of attention between shots.

Basset Hound Sticking Out Her Tongue

If not quite as much as she would have preferred.

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