Dog of the Day: Remi the Pemmy

Remi (2) is the resident Pembroke Welsh corgi at the Cayoucos Cellar wine parlor in Cambria, California. In what is surely one of the more disappointing events of my trip, Remi’s mom said I probably shouldn’t pet her, because she tended to react rather badly if someone else got near her with a dog, and that reaction would often include anyone who happened to be standing nearby. Hopefully they can work on that, because having a store corgi and then not allowing anyone to pet your store corgi is, I believe, against the law.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi In A Winery Pointing With One Ear
How could anyone believe that THAT face would nip?
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Dog of the Day: Anne the Australian Kelpie

We haven’t had an un-mixed kelpie in almost ten years. Happily, I ran into Anne (11) the other day, and she was happy to sit for a portrait.

Australian Kelpie Sitting On A Bench
Anne is big for a female kelpie, and smart as a whip!
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Dog of the Day: Savvy the German Shepherd

It’s been an eventful few days. Had to move out of the place I was staying in Monterey at the end of the month, but I couldn’t take the time to drive down to my next destination until the weekend, since I had to work Thursday and Friday. So I stayed in a hotel for a couple of nights, and then drove down to San Simeon on Saturday. I took back roads almost all the way, which I didn’t even realize was an option until I poked around on the map. Amazing how sparse civilization was, driving down that way. I don’t think I passed more than two gas stations, three restaurants (two of which were next to one another), or indeed more than a few dozen houses. Just a whole lot of wild lands, and a whole bunch of vineyards, and a few other kinds of farms. Very pretty. I’m glad I didn’t try to drive down at night, would have been a shame to have missed all that.

And now I’m staying at a nice place called the Silver Surf Inn (no relation) in San Simeon, an oceanfront community on the southern end of Big Sur that consists of a hundred or so houses, two or three stores, five or so restaurants, and like ten huge hotels. Almost entirely empty, partly because of the time of year and partly because the Pacific Coast Highway is shut down halfway through Big Sur, so nobody’s driving through, and San Simeon is pretty far out of the way unless you are. But it’s still quite pretty here, and the weather is lovely, and the hotel room was quite inexpensive.

Oh, and the hotel has a hot tub. And allows pets, although I haven’t seen any here at the moment.

Savvy (2) is either a local or is staying at another hotel across the road. She is what her owner describes as ‘an original German shepherd’, i.e. what German shepherds used to be before they were overbred into their current form. To me she looks like she’s half German shepherd and half coyote, and I adore the look.

German Shepherd Looking At A Ball
The face was tough to get good detail on. It wasn’t direct sunlight, but not quite cloudy enough to really help.
German Shepherd Looking At A Ball
I did mention it was pretty down here, huh?
German Shepherd
German Shepherd Running With A Ball In Her Mouth
Such a skinny pup! And VERY athletic. Super speedy and able to nab a ball more than four feet above the ground.
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Dog of the Day: Ro-Ro-Rosie the Bull Terrier

I didn’t make up ‘Ro-Ro-Rosie’… she’s got an Instagram page, and that’s what it’s called. There are some pretty cute pictures of her on there, plus someone’s been messing around with AI image creation and so there’s some pretty funny stuff on there as well.

Bull Terrier
They have the funniest faces.
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Dog of the Day: Timka the Gordon Setter Puppy

I thought Timka was a little small for a Gordon setter, but I didn’t think he was as young as 7 months. He’s going to be a rangy pup, I bet!

Young Gordon Setter
One of the Gordon setter owners I ran across told me he’d never run into another Gordon setter in the wild. Guess it is a pretty rare breed around these parts!
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Dog of the Day: Rusty the Golden Retriever Chow Mix

No, this isn’t the same pup as yesterday. But Rusty (4) and that one could be kissing cousins!

Golden Retriever Chow Mix Looking Serious
Rusty was keeping an eye on a sales stall at the Monterey half-marathon, and he took his job seriously.
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Dog of the Day: Golden Retriever Mix

Saw this pup going by at high speed. Barely managed to get a picture.

Dog Sticking Its Head Out The Window Of A Car With Its Eyes Closed
I’ve stuck my head out of car windows a couple of times. It really is quite fun.
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Dog of the Day: Rocky the Siberian Husky Puppy

Rocky (4 months) looks quite mischievous. doesn’t he?

Too many cute pictures for captions or hovertext. Besides, they tell their very own story, don’t you think?

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Caturday Supplement: Ginger

This is the back yard of the place I’m currently living, in Monterey. This is not, however, one of the cats of the woman I am staying with. Or anyone else who lives here. She is a visitor, just like me.

Ginger And White Tabby
She must have thought I was chasing her, but I was really just trying to get to the apartment door. I felt like such a meanie.
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Dog of the Day: English Springer Spaniel

Someone looks very serious, doesn’t he? (Is this a springer or a cocker? Seems too big to be a cocker, but his face and ears aren’t quite like I’m used to. And they aren’t usually red!)

English Springer Spaniel Looking Very Serious
Also quite recently groomed.
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