Dog of the Day: Alfie the Mini Dachshund

Alfie is one, even if he does look like a puppy. Or, at least, he does until you go and look at his instagram, @alfie.thedappledoxie, where you can see his real puppy pictures. Warning: they are dangerously adorable.

Long-Haired Dapple Tricolor Miniature Dachshund
I know he’s a mini, but man, he’s SUPER tiny!
Long-Haired Dapple Tricolor Miniature Dachshund Licking His Chops
Seriously though, go check out Alfie’s instagram. You won’t regret it unless your neighbors hear the squealing and call the police.
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Dog of the Day: Lennox the Pembroke Welsh Corgi With A Tail!

Autumn and I saw Lennox approaching while we were at an outdoor Irish ‘ceili’ (jam session). Autumn was playing, I was listening, so I had plenty of time to pet and photograph all the dogs that went by. Including Lennox (1 year old, a boy), who was also stopped by several other people who just had to pet him. Not hard to see why!

Happy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Sitting Sideways
He was really good at ‘sit’, especially for a one-year-old. They said ‘sit’, he sat, and he stayed seated despite quite a bit of temptation.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Being Petted
There it is: cute little foxy-tail!
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Dog of the Day: My Old Friend Pepper the Wire Fox Terrier

I ran into an old friend last weekend: Pepper the adorable happy fox terrier!

Delighted Wire Coated Fox Terrier
It’s always nice to see a pup who remembers me fondly.
Delighted Wire Coated Fox Terrier
And she definitely remembered me, despite the fact that it’d been a year or so.
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Dog of the Day: Ponzu the Bernadoodle Puppy

Ponzu (3 months, female) is a saucy wench indeed!

Man In Mask Holding Large Fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix Puppy
Getting pretty big to be carrying around!
Man In Mask Holding Large Fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix Puppy While She Licks His Face
Of course, there are certain compensations.
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Dog of the Day: Ollie the English Setter

Ollie was three when I took these pictures. Don’t see a lot of English setters around the joint!

Black And White English Setter Looking Skeptical
Such a dignified-looking breed.
Black And White English Setter Tilting His Head To The Side
Most grown-up dogs don’t tilt their heads to the side when they hear funny noises. Ollie does!
Black And White English Setter Looking Nobly Off Into The Distance
His toes are almost as fluffy as his ears.
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Caturday Supplement: Killer Kitten

Someone wants to go hunting birdies!

Calico Tabby Kitten Playing With Feathers
I think I need to grab a couple of cat-sitting jobs. I need to do some kitty-petting.
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Dog of the Day: Australian Shepherd Poodle Puppy

No notes on this goof, but I seem to remember he’s an ‘Aussie-Doodle’ dandy, and I’m pretty sure he’s a young’n.

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Puppy Grinning
One block from my home, and I saw him once, six months ago, and haven’t seen him since. So unfair!
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Dog of the Day: Chunky the Pug Puppy

I wonder if Chunky (6 months, boy) has a sister named ‘Creamy’ or something? It’s a great name for a pug either way.

No captions or hovertext today, just a bunch of adorable pictures.

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Dog of the Day: Wolvi the Pomeranian Shetland Sheepdog Mix

Wolvi (male, 7) is a mix I would never have thought of, but look at how well they fit together! Totally looks like he ought to be a breed unto himself.

Blue Merle Pomeranian Shetland Sheepdog Mix Sticking His Tongue Out
Enough fluff for the classic Pomeranian ‘nearly spherical’ look.
Blue Merle Pomeranian Sheltie Mix Grinning
I bet he’s pretty sharp, too. Shelties are very clever dogs.
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Double Dog Day: Versace and Valentino the Pomeranians

Versace, at 5, is the smaller of the two. Valentino is 8, and bigger. They’re both happy-go-lucky, possibly slightly manic, pups.

Two Pomeranians
Not a lot that looks more like a puppy than a full-grown Pomeranian.
Two Pomeranians Looking Mischievous
Gotta think it’s a good thing they aren’t bigger.
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