Dog of the Day: German Shepherd Puppy

Inexcusable! I neglected to post this pup two years ago when I ran into him. How did that happen, I wonder?

Man I am really getting low on pictures, though. Good thing there’re only TWO MORE WEEKS UNTIL I’M IMMUNE TO COVID!!! YAAAAAY!

German Shepherd Puppy Looking Alert
A very good boy, staying very close to dad despite extreme temptation.
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Dog of the Day: Disgruntled Corgi

Another CorgiCon pup!

Woman Carrying Pembroke Welsh Corgi On A Beach
SOMEONE wants down, so he can run straight into the ocean.
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Caturday Supplement: Big Boy Buddha the Tabby

So I thought Big Boy Buddha was a calico, but it turns out that calico cats have three-color coats, orange, white, and black. Cute either way!

Large Marmalade Tabby Cat Staring At The Camera
He looks so attentive and cheerful, without all those sly sidelong glances.
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Dog of the Day: Nala the Samoyed

I’ve posted some Nala pictures before, but I ran into her dozens of times (since she worked in the same building that I did!), and haven’t posted any from this encounter before. Mostly because I only took a couple of pictures. The rest of the time was spent petting her.

Samoyed Lying On Her Back And Sticking Her Tongue Out While Being Petted By The Photographer
Having a Samoyed must be like having a heated, cruelty-free sheepskin to cuddle with every night.
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Dog of the Day: Lazy Goldendoodle

I posted a picture of this pup a couple years ago, but I somehow missed using this one. Shame on me!

Goldendoodle Lying Outdoors Under A Chair
I’ve been feeling like this pup looks in the evenings, but have been somehow still unable to sleep. It’s a curse!
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Double Dog Day: Leopold the Miniature Dachshund Puppy And Friend

Leopold was 9 months old when I took this, last year. He is a friend to all.

Blond Miniature Dachshund Puppy Sniffing Jack Russell Terrier
Dachshund? Or miniature golden retriever with no legs? You decide!
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Caturday Supplement: Shelia the Tabby-Cat

Another kitty picture from Autumn. Such delicate paw-placement and tail-curlage.

Brown Mackeral Tabby On A Table Staring At The Camera
What big pupils you have, kitty!
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Dog of the Day: Joker the Siberian Husky Puppy

I got some pictures of Joker (3 months old) a year and a half ago. It was a little dark, so they didn’t come out so great, but… well… still pretty cute.

White Husky Puppy Wearing Wings
This was 2019 Halloween. I think Joker might have been dressed up as an angel. An ironic juxtaposition.
White Husky Puppy Wearing Wings
I wonder if the mascara was part of the costume.
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Autumn sent me a picture of one of her family’s pups.

Golden Retriever With Squooshy Lips Sticking His Nose Into The Camera
The floppy lips! Such a sweet face.
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Dog of NATIONAL PUPPY DAY: Thirsty Corgi Pup

It’s national puppy day! Have a pup.

Woman Petting Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy On The Beach
The cup was actually full of water. No caffeine for puppies!
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