What have we here? Another first! Mikkilee (male, 10) is our first-ever pure Icelandic sheepdog, and what a gorgeous breed!
No hovertext or captions, because I’m just not feeling it today.

What have we here? Another first! Mikkilee (male, 10) is our first-ever pure Icelandic sheepdog, and what a gorgeous breed!
No hovertext or captions, because I’m just not feeling it today.
Two notes on Para (a girl, and six months old). First one: she is delightfully goofy. Goofier than any other akita I’ve run across, although I’m very short on akita puppies so far. Second one: oh my god, she’s only six months old and already this big? I know akitas are normally pretty large but she’s gonna be a giant!
Sidney was 7 months old when I took this picture… he’s going to be a big boy! And he already is a very very good boy, with impeccable manners. Or at least he was when I met him.
I can’t help but feel that Atka (male, 12 years old) has to have some sort of ‘long dog’ in his bloodline, whether that’s dachshund, corgi, basset, or whatever. His dad only knew that he was part husky (obviously). He said that the father was an akita, and that his littermates looked like akita/husky mixes. If I had to guess, I’d say that in this case the litter had multiple fathers, something that’s not too unusual in the swingin’ doggie set.
Pretty sure he’s a Bernadoodle, though I don’t have any notes on him. I’m absolutely sure he’s adorable, though.
Autumn’s cat-sitting these two ‘gooves’ (plural of goof, of course) and sent me this picture. So unfair that one of the like 0.1% of pictures on here that I didn’t take are also one of the 0.1% best pictures on the site, but oh well.
Pino, AKA JalapeƱo Pepper, is a cat that I cat sat a while ago. Alas, his companion passed on since then, but he got a new sibling, Cayenne Pepper. They get along very well.
Okay, stay with me, now, because this is confusing.
I have, in my notes for this pup, ‘LubyByTheBay on Instagram, f 15 wks’. And I thought, what an unusual name! Luby! And I went to that page on Instagram and there was nothing there. So I did some more searching and found ‘LeviByTheBay’, a golden retriever, and thought ohhhh! Hey, wait, didn’t I post a Levi a couple months ago? Hey, maybe this is the same dog! Except that I went to LeviByTheBay and he’s about a year too old to be either that Levi puppy or this one. SO CONFUSING!
But I did a little more poking around and discovered LucyByTheBay. And I don’t know if I misheard or just typoed, but in either case, I’m pretty sure this is Lucy, and if not, it’s certainly Almost Lucy.