Dog of the Day: Bernese Mountain Dog Mix

I didn’t get any notes on this guy, but I have a vague memory that he was a Berner/Great Pyrenees mix. He sure looks a lot like Melvin, but he can’t be a recessive red because he has some black fur.

Bernese Mountain Dog Great Pyrenees Mix
Sorry about the background, but I thought it was urgent that I get some pictures of this fine beast.
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Dog of the Day: Winifred the Galgo Español

Woo, a new breed! Winifred looks a lot like a greyhound but is in fact a member of a breed that is apparently a thousand or more years old. Amazing!

Winifred also has an instagram, chock-full of cute pictures! You should visit it!

Galgo Español Dog With One Ear Flopped Over On Top Of Her Head
Her ear isn’t ALWAYS like that.
Galgo Español Dog With One Ear Flopped Over On Top Of Her Head
Just ALMOST always.
Galgo Español Dog With One Ear Flopped Over On Top Of Her Head
They seem like a really sweet breed, and quite popular in Europe. But I’ve never even HEARD of them before. Weird.
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Dog of the Day: Bosco the Lagotto Romagnolo

We’ve seen Bosco before, as he is one of Autumn’s clients. He’s learned to tolerate me a lot better but he still likes Autumn a lot more.

Lagotto Romagnolo Standing On His Hind Legs
He is quite agile.
Lagotto Romagnolo Standing On His Hind Legs
Also very food-motivated.
Lagotto Romagnolo Standing On His Hind Legs Eating A Treat
But most of all, he’s a very talented hula dancer.
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Dog of the Day: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Not having the greatest month even by the rather low standards of COVID-ridden USA, so I decided to post a corgi. And then discovered that somehow all of the names and ages of all the dogs I took pictures of on May 30th were gone, and that none of the pictures had a good enough close-up of any of their tags to get a name. I’M SO TERRIBLE!

Fortunately this pup didn’t care how terrible I was. He wanted to lick my face all the same.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Grinning
Corgis are deceptive: they weigh like 25 pounds and can pull with the force of a small car.
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Dog of the Day: Duck the Australian Cattle Dog Siberian Husky Mix

I ran into Duck (1) a few months back, and his dad told me, “Oh, hey, you took some pictures of my last dog back in 2016. And I looked, and sure enough, Gus was there. I’m glad to be continuing the chain!

Australian Cattle Dog Siberian Husky Mix Looking Dubious
Duck did not take to me nearly as well as Gus did. Duck was very dubious.
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Dog of the Day: Layla the Unknown Mix

Layla (1 year old) is a super sweet pupper who wanted to say hi to everyone who wandered through the Ferry Building. And I was l lucky enough to be wandering through at just the right time.

Two Women Petting Cute Dog
I couldn’t compete with Mom and her friend, who knew where all the itchiest spots were.
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Alas, Poor Olio

A sad dog of the day post for y’all today: one of the first few dozen pups I ever took pictures of, Olio, passed away last weekend. It’s been over ten years since I met him, and he lived a long and healthy life, nearly 17 years. I offered to post some pictures of Olio for his folks, as a little tribute, and they took me up on it.

No captions or hovertext. I don’t really feel like being clever, let alone a smartass. Just some cute pictures of a happy pup. But I should add that the second pup in the scenic picture is Buzz, Olio’s 7-year-old kid brother, and the picture in the book that Olio is looking at in another image is actually a picture of him. He’s famous!

Goodbye, Olio. You will be missed. But I’m glad I got some smooches from you while you were here.

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Dog of the Day: Rio the German Shepherd Mix Puppy

His name is Rio, and he may or may not dance on the sands. I didn’t get to see. But I do know that he must be mixed with something pretty sizable if this is how big he is at only six months old.

German Shepherd Mix
Rio’s a little shy. Note the firmly tucked tail.
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Caturday Supplement: Logan the Cat Sit Victim

I agreed to help Autumn take care of a cat for a week while she was out of state and the kitty’s owners were getting married and then staying in Yosemite for a week. I showed up the first day and fed the kitty and hung around for 45 minutes trying to get him to warm up to me. No luck whatsoever. And then, as I was just about to gird my loins for another try at it, I heard someone trying to break into the apartment. Someone… with a key.

Turned out that the groom demolished his knee the day after the wedding and they all just came home. So I only got one day of kitty-time. But at least I got a couple of pictures.

Fluffy Grey And White Cat With Blue Eyes
I actually moved backward: when I was there with Autumn he at least sniffed my hand. The next time, he wouldn’t even stay in the same ROOM with me.
Fluffy Grey And White Cat With Blue Eyes
The eyes are even more striking in person.
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Dog of the Day: French Mastiff

I didn’t get this guy’s name but I’m pretty sure he’s a Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as a French massive… er… mastiff.

Edit: as pointed out below, he could also be a bullmastiff.

French Mastiff Wearing A Bandana
Never seen a bandana-y thing quite like that one before, but I think it looks good on him.
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