Double Dog Day: Brat-Dog and Nubbin

You’ll just have to take my word that ‘Nubbin’ had a tailstub. But I’m pretty sure you can tell that ‘Brat-Dog’ is well worthy of his name.

In other news, I KNEW the extra 20 pounds I put on during COVID would come in handy: I am fat enough to qualify for the vaccine in San Francisco! OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO BE ABLE TO HAVE A REAL VACATION SOON! (Well. In a few weeks. After my second dose of vaccine. But still. The end of this hell of isolation and depression is in sight!) If this really materializes, I will take lots of pictures of whatever cute wildlife I find while on vacation and share them here, I promise.

Plus maybe I’ll be able to actually lose a little weight, now that I can go jogging and hiking outside without significant risk of infecting random strangers. (I tried jogging with a mask on but stopped when the purple spots threatened to come together into one big purple blackout. Nope.) I know, I know, losing weight is more about diet than it is about exercise, but I’m already on a fairly strict diet (which has stopped my weight gain) so hopefully this will nudge me into the ‘loss’ column for a while.

Blue Merle Pembroke Welsh Corgi With Australian Cattle Dog Mix On A Beach
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Caturday Supplement: Big Boy Buddha

Autumn just sent me a passel of adorable kitties for my pleasure and your Caturday supplementation. I’m not likely to be able to get more soon, so I’m going to spread them across a few weeks. This first one is of ‘Big Boy Buddha’, enjoying an evening’s nap.

Curled-Up Calico Cat Sleeping
Little pink kitty-nose!
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Dog of the Day: Sandy Corgi

Someone went gallumphing across the sand. Bet she tracked a pile of sand onto someone’s kitchen floor!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Trotting Across The Beach
I’m thinking of doing a run down to SoCal once I’m vaccinated, so I can take a bunch of dog beach pictures.
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Double Dog Day: Corgi-Corgi Surprise

Compare and contrast these two expressions.

Two Pembroke Welsh Corgis On A Beach
The back one has three of the four marks of an exceptionally ridiculous corgi: two different color eyes, a fluffy coat, and a tail. Plus that patented grin.
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Dog of the Day: Italian Greyhound Chihuahua Mix

I am really eager for my vaccination. NEED MORE DOG PICTURES. I do kind of like this one, though. Even if I can’t think of hovertext for it for the life of me.

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Dog of the Day: Brooklyn the Basenji

Huh! Looks like we’re had two different dogs named Brooklyn, although the last one was a Yorkie whose name got shortened to “Brookie”. This one is a girl, only a year old when I took the pictures.

Basenji Looking Dubious
A basenji with almost no concerned forehead wrinkles!
Basenji Peeking From Between Owner's Legs
Someone was not as pleased to see me as I was to see her.
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Dog of the Day: Jojo the Bernadoodle Puppy

I was on my way to a get-together (my first in AGES!) with fellow employees at my new workplace, so I didn’t have time to get this pup’s age, nor did I find out whether he was named after the Beatles song, as a certain corgi of the same name was. I did, however, get kisses and pictures, so it’s all good.

Too many pictures for hovertext and captions, but I will say that Jojo really reminds me of the robotic Daggit named ‘Muffit II‘, from the original Battlestar Galactica.

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Dog of the Day: American Pit Bull Terrier

I dogsat for this pup a couple years ago, but I can’t for the life of me remember his name! I’m a bad person.

Goofy Pit Bull Being Petted
I called this picture ‘triptych.jpg’ but the dog is more of a ‘dipstych’.

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Dog of the Day: Chance the Shih Tzu

I took some pictures of Chance in an airport just after Christmas of 2016 — you know, back when people still traveled the world. He had been adopted on Christmas day! Not sure how that happened, but it sounds like a heck of a present for both sides.

Shih Tzu With Bandana
The day I’m vaccinated I am going to go to a local dog park and just spend the entire rest of the day there. And that Saturday I’m going to the Caturday celebration in Mission Dolores Park!
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Dog of the Day: Doberman Pinscher

This is from a Christmas party a few years back, where kids and dogs got to sit in Santa’s lap and ask for presents and petting. I think we could all use a little extra love this year, especially those of us who didn’t exactly get to have a Christmas.

Doberman Pinscher Sitting In Front Of Christmas Display
Macy’s Union Square. They didn’t have puppies and kittens in the windows this year, alas. But I can wait.
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