I didn’t get any notes on this guy, but I have a vague memory that he was a Berner/Great Pyrenees mix. He sure looks a lot like Melvin, but he can’t be a recessive red because he has some black fur.

I didn’t get any notes on this guy, but I have a vague memory that he was a Berner/Great Pyrenees mix. He sure looks a lot like Melvin, but he can’t be a recessive red because he has some black fur.
Woo, a new breed! Winifred looks a lot like a greyhound but is in fact a member of a breed that is apparently a thousand or more years old. Amazing!
Winifred also has an instagram, chock-full of cute pictures! You should visit it!
We’ve seen Bosco before, as he is one of Autumn’s clients. He’s learned to tolerate me a lot better but he still likes Autumn a lot more.
Not having the greatest month even by the rather low standards of COVID-ridden USA, so I decided to post a corgi. And then discovered that somehow all of the names and ages of all the dogs I took pictures of on May 30th were gone, and that none of the pictures had a good enough close-up of any of their tags to get a name. I’M SO TERRIBLE!
Fortunately this pup didn’t care how terrible I was. He wanted to lick my face all the same.
I ran into Duck (1) a few months back, and his dad told me, “Oh, hey, you took some pictures of my last dog back in 2016. And I looked, and sure enough, Gus was there. I’m glad to be continuing the chain!
A sad dog of the day post for y’all today: one of the first few dozen pups I ever took pictures of, Olio, passed away last weekend. It’s been over ten years since I met him, and he lived a long and healthy life, nearly 17 years. I offered to post some pictures of Olio for his folks, as a little tribute, and they took me up on it.
No captions or hovertext. I don’t really feel like being clever, let alone a smartass. Just some cute pictures of a happy pup. But I should add that the second pup in the scenic picture is Buzz, Olio’s 7-year-old kid brother, and the picture in the book that Olio is looking at in another image is actually a picture of him. He’s famous!
Goodbye, Olio. You will be missed. But I’m glad I got some smooches from you while you were here.
His name is Rio, and he may or may not dance on the sands. I didn’t get to see. But I do know that he must be mixed with something pretty sizable if this is how big he is at only six months old.
I agreed to help Autumn take care of a cat for a week while she was out of state and the kitty’s owners were getting married and then staying in Yosemite for a week. I showed up the first day and fed the kitty and hung around for 45 minutes trying to get him to warm up to me. No luck whatsoever. And then, as I was just about to gird my loins for another try at it, I heard someone trying to break into the apartment. Someone… with a key.
Turned out that the groom demolished his knee the day after the wedding and they all just came home. So I only got one day of kitty-time. But at least I got a couple of pictures.
I didn’t get this guy’s name but I’m pretty sure he’s a Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as a French massive… er… mastiff.
Edit: as pointed out below, he could also be a bullmastiff.