I didn’t get this guy’s name but I’m pretty sure he’s a Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as a French massive… er… mastiff.
Edit: as pointed out below, he could also be a bullmastiff.

I didn’t get this guy’s name but I’m pretty sure he’s a Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as a French massive… er… mastiff.
Edit: as pointed out below, he could also be a bullmastiff.
We’ve had a couple Afghan hounds on here before, but nobody quite like Arctic here. He is a 5-year-old show dog, and has his own Instagram but it is PRIVATE and how much fun is THAT?
Puppy week is over! But that’s okay, you still get to see some pretty adorable dogs. Plus I will still be posting puppies because, even though puppy week lasted TWO AND A HALF WEEKS, I still have a bunch more puppy pictures.
But first, here is Harper. Harper is no longer a puppy, she’s four. But she is still happy to pretend if that will get you to play with her.
I ran into Bandit (9 months, male) while I was cat-sitting. Specifically, I was taking out the trash, and Bandit’s parents were breaking into an apartment in the same building.
I felt like I ought to get involved. So I told them I wouldn’t call the police if I could take some pictures of their dog. This worked out great for all concerned. Including Bandit, who likes petting as much as the next dog.
And yes all of that is literally true. I mean sure it was their apartment they were breaking into, but so what? I got dog pictures and Bandit got petting and that’s all that really matters. Oh and I guess they got back into their own apartment which might matter to them. And to Bandit, since he got to have lunch.
Turtle, also known as TurtleyAussie on her Instagram which is INEXPLICABLY PRIVATE HOW CAN THIS BE PERMITTED, was 9 weeks old when I took this picture. So young that she was waiting outside with her mom to get vaccinated for puppy rot and all of those other horrible things. I couldn’t even pet her because I had just finished petting roughly one point two million dogs. And thus I am very sorry about the quality of this picture but hopefully I will run into her again soon and in the mean time how could I possibly NOT post this picture?
I have TOO MANY PUPPIES! So PUPPY WEEK MUST CONTINUE! And on that note, met Millie, the 9 month old Welsh springer spaniel.
Yeah, I thought you wouldn’t object.
PS: Wait no way. Millie is our first Welsh springer spaniel? How did that happen? Ten years plus and I keep running across new breeds!
Because I just had to post another couple of Frankie pictures, since she was such an amazingly sweet and pretty kitty. I swear, half an hour in a room with her and even the most devout of cat-haters would be a convert.
When I found out that today was Nymeria’s 8th birthday, I told her owner that I’d definitely have to post some pictures today in honor of her ridiculous floofiness and amazing gorgiousity! Isn’t she pretty?
Seriously, I didn’t even know bernadoodles came in platinum blond! Apparently, though, they do, at least as of 7 months ago, when Daisy was born.