Dog of the Day: Pug

This was one of my friends from my former workplace. A little hyper… just how I like ’em!

Pug Looking Alert

She lilked running around and saying hello to everyone’s feet.

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Dog of the Day: Bree the Yorkshire Terrier Poodle Mix

I dunno, they aren’t the most dignified of mixes, but I still think “Yorkie-poo” is just not a great name.

Black Yorkie Poo Staring Into Camera

I suspect Bree was named after a certain Desperate Housewife, but I’d prefer to think that she was born in a village in Middle Earth.

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Dog of the Day: American Pit Bull Terrier

Someone was having a little snooze.

American Pit Bull Terrier Lying On The Sidewalk

I ran into this pup a few times. Wildly varying levels of energy.

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Dog of the Day: Luna the German Shepherd

I posted some pictures of a damp Luna a while back, one of the times that I dogsat her. She is just as cute when she’s dry.

German Shepherd Guarding A Stick

Pictures from the Presidio in San Francisco, the former military base that is now… well, kind of a lot of things, really. Part park, anyway.

German Shepherd Looking Plaintively At Camera

Luna and I had a super long walk.

German Shepherd In Woods

Halfway through, we decided to lie down in the middle of the woods and take a nice half-hour rest.

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Dog of the Day: Theo the Siberian Husky

Can’t imagine why I never posted any pictures of this pup before. Theo is 2 in these pictures, but that was three years ago!

Siberian Husky With Partial Heterochromia

The rare ‘double racing stripe’ model!

Siberian Husky

Gorgeous eyes.

Goofy Siberian Husky Grin

All I want is for ANYTHING to look at me like that husky looks at his dad.

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Dog of the Day: Sawyer the 8-Week-Old Golden Retriever Puppy

None of my pictures of Sawyer (boy) came out terribly good, due to the glare and shadows and such, but god the fluff was so magnificent I couldn’t resist posting the best one I could extract.

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather.

Golden Retriever Puppy

Look at the fluff. Those tiny visible hairs, each one as soft as kitten fluff. You just want to bury your face in it and wiggle it back and forth.

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Dog of the Day: Little Bitty Pomeranian

Look at this little guy! So tiny. And with such a cute little mobile home base, too.

Happy Little Pomeranian Sitting On A Mat

94% fluff and 111% happiness.

Happy Little Pomeranian Sitting On A Mat

And perhaps 0.1% teeny-little-tonguage.

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Dog of the Day: Roger the Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix

Roger (1 year) that, good buddy! But definitely not over OR out!

Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix Grinning

I think someone had gone swimming earlier that day.

Bernadoodle Shaking Hands

He knew ‘high five’ too, but the pictures didn’t come out. Smart pup, especially at just 1.

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Dog of the Day: Yorkshire Terrier Bichon Frisé Mix

I’m not really sure what she is, but I found a couple of Yorkie/Bichon mixes online who looked a lot like her, so…

Small Fluffy Dog In Shoes

None of my shoes are nearly as cute as hers.

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Caturday Supplement: Double Kitten Surprise

A few weeks ago I promised some pictures of Autumn’s two kitten charges together. I’m finally delivering on that promise!

Two Sleepy Kittens On A Sofa

Look at the little grey-and-pink paw-pads! They look so nibble-able.

Grey Tiger Kitten Whispering In The Ear Of A Calico Kittena

Why doesn’t anyone stick her tongue in MY ear any more? Hmf!

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