Dog of the Day: Mikasa the Shiba Inu Puppy

Going through old photos that I hadn’t yet posted and found this gem. The reason I hadn’t posted it was because I got over a hundred pictures of Mikasa, most of which were in burst mode, and there were only three that weren’t too blurry to post, and they were buried in bursts. Mikasa was hyper as all get-out! Not too surprising since she was 5 months old.

Shiba Inu Puppy Time

She has the pose I like to think of as ‘POWER PUPPY’ down pat.

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Dog of the Day: Eebee (Isabel) the Bassett Hound

Eeeeeebeeeee! What a great name.

Bassett Hound Staring Into The Camera

I don’t have an age written down, but I think she has to be a puppy.

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Dog of the Day: Unknown Mixed Breed

God, this is a toughie! I’m guessing she’s a puppy, and she really looks like a Pharaoh or Ibizan hound mix but that seems pretty unlikely. Maybe a greyhound or whippet mix?

Brown Dog Of Unknown Breed

It’s so much harder to grill people on their dogs when everyone’s wearing masks.

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Dog of the Day: Loki the Labrador Retriever American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Most of the Lokis I’ve seen are either huskies or corgis, both breeds well known for their… well-developed senses of humor. This pup definitely has some of that. I was eating at an outdoor table at a little restaurant in San Francisco, and he kept coming over to check to see if there was anything new that I’d dropped for him to browse on. And the kid who was there with him, rather younger than Loki, kept having to come over to collect him. Loki seemed quite game to keep it up all day.

Very Old Labrador Retriever American Pit Bull Terrier Mix Puppy Lying On The Sidewalk

He has a very knowing expression, doesn’t he?

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Dog of the Day: Baigo the German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Hound Mix

No idea what kind of hound, but it must be a big one, since she is only about 8 months old in this picture.

Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Hound Mix Grinning

She’s got a built-in smile.

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Dog of the Day: Irish Wolfhound

Another Milwaukee Irish Fest dog for you today. Someone’s loving all the attention!

Little Girl Petting Irish Wolfhound

I miss Milwaukee Irish Fest. Couldn’t go last year, I was interviewing for two jobs that week. And this year wasn’t… exactly festive.

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Dog of the Day: Irish Setter Puppy

Got this a couple of years back at Milwaukee Irish Festival. No idea why I didn’t use it then, but I sure like it enough to use it now.

Irish Setter Puppy Licking Someone's Hands

He looks like a bloodhound puppy, doesn’t he? I can only assume that he’ll grow into the ears. And face.

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Dog of the Day: Cheerful Samoyed

Samoyeds always seem to be cheerful and dignified, don’t they?

Goofy Silhouette Of A Samoyed

Pretty sure Autumn took these pictures.

Samoyed Looking Cherful

Those ears. Finely-tuned instruments of fluffy cuteitude.

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Dog of the Day: Marley the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

I remember Marley. I took some pictures of him a couple years ago, when he was four months old, and he was murder to get non-blurry. This is as close as I came.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

Look at the leash. I wonder how many of them he went through in his first year?

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Caturday Supplement: The Other Little Kitten

This is the other kitten that Autumn was looking after, the one I mentioned last week. Since I’m so low on cat pictures, I’ll hang onto the ones I have of the two of them together for next week. Suffice it to say, though, that if they are cute alone, they are cute squared together.

Calico Cat Lying On Persian Rug

Looks like she caught her prey, and is celebrating with a victory stretch.

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