Caturday Supplement: Baker the Tuxedo and Bend The Black Kitty

Autumn had to look after these two for a bit, and in that time they managed to steal several of her things. Culminating in her glasses. Which she managed to find behind the fridge, along with several feathers, a half-dozen hair ties, a small pile of plastic wrappers, and two toy mice. I asked her if she was sure they weren’t ferrets, so she send me some pictures to prove their cattitude. And so many of them were awesome that I’m just going to dump them all on you and drown you in cute.

The first one is my favorite, though. Not just because of the inquisitive face, but because of the other kitty plotting mischief in the background.

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Dog of the Day: Atlas the Blue Great Dane

Aw, Atlas (6) doesn’t seem all that blue to me!

Woman Petting Blue Great Dane

Some Danes stay as gangly as puppies for their entire lives.

Blue Great Dane

Notice the sign in the background. It is indeed!

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Dog of the Day: Reggie the Singing Jack Russell Terrier Mix

It’s been ages since I ran into Reggie (@deareggie on Instagram), back in 2017. But he’s very memorable, so I remember him well. When I walked up to him, his mom was singing ‘Happy Birthday To You’, as I recall because it was a favorite of his. And he was singing along.

Woman Holding Howling Jack Russell Terrier Mix

It took me ages to post these because I had to figure out how to extract video from a ‘live photo’.

And then the two of them did a command performance of The Star Strangled Banter. Or something like that.

Of course, everybody hits the occasional sour note. This one has to be one of the strangest sounds I’ve ever heard a dog make:

Woman Holding Disgruntled Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Reggie has a very expressive face, doesn’t he?

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Dog of the Day: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pretty sure this pic came from Autumn. Not sure who the pup is but he sure is a cutie.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buried Nose-Down In The Grass

Pemmies can be awfully stubborn. This one looks like he’s decided he doesn’t want to walk any more just now.

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Caturday Supplement: Pino Pepper and Angelica

Thanks to Autumn, who helped out someone for one day when they were moving, I have a Caturday supplement again! Even better, it’s some old friends, Pino Pepper and Angelica. Let’s see how they’re getting on, shall we?

Ragdoll Mix Cat Looking Disgruntled

Angelica looks just about the same as she did last time…

Giant Fluffy Half Maine Coon Half Ragdoll Cat

…but someone else has gotten LORG!

Giant Fluffy Half Maine Coon Half Ragdoll Cat Playing

Autumn pronounced herself ‘rather in love with this cat’. I can see why. Humongous and playful and cuddly!

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Dog of the Day: Golden Retriever

Can’t remember what the cone was for… a hot spot maybe? Didn’t slow her down any, in any case.

Golden Retriever With Cone Sticking Head Against Ground

This posture plus a long tongue let her get whatever treat she was after.

Golden Retriever In Cone

Took this in the middle of Berkeley. I miss Berkeley. And everywhere else outside of my apartment. Sigh.

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Dog of the Day: Bumper the Goldendoodle Puppy

I ran into Bumper back three years ago, when he was just five months old. Apparently he has since moved to St Paul, or so says his Instagram page.

Too much cuteness for captions or hovertext. Just enjoy the show.

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Dog of the Day: German Shepherd

A gawky adolescent German shepherd. I didn’t manage to stop them for a photo session, so this action shot will have to do.

German Shepherd Looking Alert

I did get a lick, so that was good at least.

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Dog of the Day: Bernese Mountain Dog Mix

Saw this pup today, trying so, so hard to say hi to every passer-by.

Bernese Mountain Dog Mix Sticking His Nose Out A Truck Window

Look at the tracks… the tracks of his drool.

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Dog of the Day: Bodhi the GLORIOUS German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

I went out to do a little shopping this evening, and I ran into a few pups. There was one who was adorable, and one who was noble, and one who really really wanted to say hi. But there was only one who was glorious, and that was Bodhi, the 4 year old German shepherd mix. (Probably with golden retriever, judging from the fluffy tocks!)

German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Sitting And Grinning

A great place to run across dogs: right outside a butcher’s shop/steakhouse.

German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Pretend-Snarling

Caught him halfway through a yawn.

German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Heading Toward The Camera

Just glorious.

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