Dog of the Day: Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Autumn sent me this pup. I don’t know what her name is or how old she is but she’s AMAZING.

Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Grinning

Someone got shorn, everywhere but the face. Funny effect.

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Sunday Switchup Dessert Review: Philmore Creamery

I decided to try something from the Philmore Creamery today: a Cherry Crumble Pie with Gianduia Gelato.


Pie: 3/5. It’s fine, but the nothing distinguished. The crush isn’t flaky, it’s just sort of there. The oat mixture on top is tasty but not particularly interesting from a texture point of view. The cherries are mostly whole, which makes them awkward and not entirely pleasant  to chew on. The filling is a little sweeter than I like but still well within my comfort zone.

Ice cream: 3/5. Also fine. It’s a perfectly good chocolate ice cream, but there’s not a lot of hazelnut flavor that I could detect. And frankly, as a chocoholic, chocolate ice cream has never been in my top ten. However, it’s definitely very creamy and rich.

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Dog of the Day: Boru the Basset Hound

I was out wandering this afternoon, after picking up my spanky new set of glasses, when I ran into this fine fellow. When I asked what his name was, Boru’s mom said, “His name is Boru,” and then the two of us chorused together, “As in Brian Boru.” She was impressed. I guess not a whole lot of Americans have heard of Brian Boru.

Red And White Basset Hound

Boru is four years old, and eternally happy, saggy-sadface or not.

Red And White Basset Hound

San Francisco isn’t really keeping up its street cleaning, in the current ‘total shut-down’ environment. I can understand why, but yech.

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Dog of the Day: Taco the Golden Retriever Puppy

Believe it or not, this Taco (6 months old) is not the first Taco that we’ve had on here. Definitely the youngest and shiniest, though.

Platinum Blonde Golden Retriever Puppy

This shade is called ‘English cream’. Pretty!

Platinum Blonde Golden Retriever Puppy

This was back in the pre-COVID days, when everyone could swarm around every cute puppy that happened by.

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Dog of the Day: American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy

I may have dogsat this pup, but I can’t remember for the life of me it. Maybe I just ran into him at a party.

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy On A Bed

Someone wants to make it very clear that you are not getting into this bed without paying the dog tax.

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Dog of the Day: Hanu the Labradoodle

Hanu (a boy) was eleven  months old in these pictures. I would never have guessed?

Black Labradoodle Lying Down

Unusual fur texture for a labradoodle.

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Dog of the Day: American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy

Oh my god the ears.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy

And the anime puppydog eyes.

American Pit Bull Terrier Boxer Mix Puppy

A pit bull boxer mix makes an utterly hilarious puppy.

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Dog of the Day: Zeus the Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute Mix

Zeus (2) is a bit too tired to play right now, but soon! Soon!

Siberian Husky Alaskan Malamute Mix Lying On The Sidewalk

You just want to trace the line from upper lip right up the nose and all the way to the top of the head.

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Dog of the Day: Marlow the Chihuahua

I ran into this pup at a friend’s birthday party, a couple years back. And I forgot to get his name!

Edit: OMG as I am informed below in the comments, this is Marlow, and is in fact being held by his owner. I have a great memory, don’t I?

Woman Holding Noble-Looking Chihuahua

This isn’t the pup’s owner, just a good friend. (Edit: Er, no, wrong, see above.)

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Sunday Parfait: Humphry Slocombe and Rustic Bakery

I made my own dessert for this Sunday switchup. It still counts, because it’s made out of a San-Francisco-made ice cream and some cookies that were made in Petaluma. (Which is, in case you don’t know, about 30 miles north of San Francisco.)

Specifically, I made a rather nice parfait:

Salted caramel and cacao nib ice cream, with two layers of crushed chocolate cacao nib shortbread interspersed.

Result: 4/5. I am awesome. The ice cream itself is wonderful, not too sweet and with that tang of salt. and the nibs are halfway between chocolate and nuts, not adding any sweetness but adding a lovely crunch. And the cookies are rich, and also have their own nibs, and add their own crunch to the mix. Lovely!

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