Dog of the Day: Cheerful Samoyed

Samoyeds always seem to be cheerful and dignified, don’t they?

Goofy Silhouette Of A Samoyed

Pretty sure Autumn took these pictures.

Samoyed Looking Cherful

Those ears. Finely-tuned instruments of fluffy cuteitude.

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Dog of the Day: Marley the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

I remember Marley. I took some pictures of him a couple years ago, when he was four months old, and he was murder to get non-blurry. This is as close as I came.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

Look at the leash. I wonder how many of them he went through in his first year?

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Caturday Supplement: The Other Little Kitten

This is the other kitten that Autumn was looking after, the one I mentioned last week. Since I’m so low on cat pictures, I’ll hang onto the ones I have of the two of them together for next week. Suffice it to say, though, that if they are cute alone, they are cute squared together.

Calico Cat Lying On Persian Rug

Looks like she caught her prey, and is celebrating with a victory stretch.

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Dog of the Day: CorgiCon Gamboler

I found a pile of pictures from a 2017 CorgiCon, and this guy was gamboling about all through them.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Gamboling Through Shallow Water At The Beach

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Dog of the Day: Julie the Golden Retriever Puppy

Just saw Julie the other day, while I was heading out to the grocery store. She is only 8 months old, but getting pretty big already.

English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

She was tough to photograph… until she stopped for a scratch.

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Sunday Switchup Dessert Review: La Bella Italian Desserts

I’ve had dessert from them twice now. Good thing, too, because this second time was rather less impressive than the first time around, because this time around they were still frozen in the middle. And since it’s so hot in my apartment (well over 90° F, and if I open the window it smells like an ash tray, HELP HELP CALIFORNIA IS ON FIRE), when I tried putting them aside to thaw, they started to melt and deflate and get gummy and weird on the outside. So I ate them frozen.

First: Mousse Al Cioccolato

Chocolate Mousse Cake Pie Thingie

Verdict: two of four stars. Spectacularly boring. It’s not even mousse-y, a texture of which I’m quite fond. It just has a not very interesting texture, and tastes like chocolate. Save yourself the trouble and buy a good chocolate bar.

Second: Chocolate Temptation

Chocolate Temptation

Verdict: 2.5 of four stars. Well, I almost knocked off another half a star for the name alone. It’s marginally better than calling it “Death By Chocolate” but along the same lines. But I’m a nice kind of guy.

If I’d been working off my taste of it from today it would only have been two stars because the frozen-ness takes all the subtlety out of the texture, and there isn’t that much to start with. However, when it’s not frozen, it does have a nice contrast between the fluffy mousse (this one is ACTUALLY a mousse, ironically) and the cake and the lower layer which is closer to a ganache. Plus there is a teensy tiny crunch from the bottom. It should be more, it’s almost lost on me, and I’m the most texture-sensitive person I know. But at least they tried.

Meh. I mean this one isn’t a waste of a dessert opportunity. I don’t feel like I want my calories back. But it’s not far from that. And the first one is just sort of pathetic.

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Caturday Supplement: Autumn’s Cat-Sitting Kitten

Autumn cat-sat for some pretty kittens not too long ago. This is one of the two.

Woman Holding Grey Tiger Kitten

Autumn is definitely a dog person… but certain kitties can get on her good side.

Woman Holding Grey Tiger Kitten

Especially snoozy ones!

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Dog of the Day: Guard Shibe

This is one of the guard-and-customer-service pups for the Hill Top Grocery. He is the junior partner, Trixie being the senior. Unfortunately I can’t remember his name, but he’s very good at his job!

Shiba Inu Looking Disgruntled

He looks disgruntled, doesn’t he? He isn’t! He’s actually an amazingly happy employee!

Shiba Inu Showing Neck

Shiba Inus have a thing for having their cheeks and necks rubbed. And it’s very rewarding, since they have such soft and poofly fur!

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Dog of the Day: Black Poodle

Ran across this pup sitting outside my local grocery store, making sure that people respect social distancing!

Black Standard Poodle Sitting

Don’t know what this pup’s name is, unless it’s what’s on his tag. Kind of doubt it since it says “Nationwide.” But if he is named Nationwide, it’s comforting to know that he’s on my side.

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Dog of the Day: Gatsby the Great Dane Italian Shepherd Mix (Sorta)

Well, I was told that Gatsby was Great Dane mixed with Italian Shepherd. However, evidence at the moment, despite a certain number of kind of dubious-looking web sites, seems to indicate that there is no such thing as an Italian Shepherd. And since this dog is clearly not one half imaginary (I’d say no more than a quarter imaginary at most), I’m going to guess he’s half something else. The Great Dane, though, that I’ll believe.

Man With Large Black Dog

The white isn’t reflection: he really does have a streak of white going from the tip of his nose to the top of his head.

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