Dog of the Day: Tosca the Newfoundland Dog

Whoa. When I took this picture, Tosca, a female full-sized Newfie, was eleven years old. And apparently just as spry and chipper as she was when she was half that age. I can verify that she was gamboling back and forth between all the folks at Wags.

Shaggy Newfoundland Dog Looking Happy

I’m not 100% sure she’s a Newfie at all. She might be a Black Bookie: half Bantha, half Wookie.

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Dog of the Day: PK the Pug

PK wass 12 years old in this photo! You’d never know it, would you?

Grinning Pug

Such a goofy happy face.

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Dog of the Day: “Pup” the Catahoula Hog Dog Mix

I ran into this (one-year-old) pup less than one week after he was adopted from a shelter. Despite that, he was very well-adjusted, especially for what we here at da dawg blawg affectionally call the ‘Hula-Hula Cat-Dog’.

Catahoula Hog Dog Mix

I thought he was a pup named Tito, but apparently he’s a pup named Pup. Wearing a bandana named Tito.

Catahoula Cur Mix

If I’d only had a dog from the shelter for a week, I wouldn’t have the confidence to tie him up outside a shop for twenty minutes!

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Dog of the Day: Cloe the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix

Cloe (2) is also known as ‘Junkyard’. Because she is a vicious-wicious puppy-wuppy-kins, obviously.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix

I am not sure what she’s mixed with, she sure looks like a Cavalier to me.

Woman Holding Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix

Puppy cuddles and mimosas. Amazing combination.

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Sweet Sunday Switchup: Fiorella’s Guittard Chocolate Budino

I ordered from a local place, a little pizza place not far from me. This is the first time I’ve tried their food, since they are a recent addition, transplanted in the place of… another pizza place.

Their pizza is yummy, but the important part was their ‘Guittard Chocolate Budino’, which is a sort of really rich mousse. With hazelnut brittle and sea salt.

Verdict: amazing! 5/5. The hazelnut brittle just by itself is great, and it’s just sweet enough to balance out the really rich, bittersweet chocolate. And the crunch switches things up very nicely with the creamy mousse.

There was only one thing that kept it from getting the coveted 6/5 rating: it could really have used some more texture variation. It needs a crust, or something else… the nut brittle isn’t quite enough.

Also, a recommendation: if they give you the same amount in the restaurant that they do for delivery, get this for two. I am a big chocolate fan and I couldn’t finish the damn thing.

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Dog of the Day: Logan the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I met Logan at Washington Square Park, where he was taking a very keen interest in everyone and everything.

I wonder if he was named after Wolverine of the X-Men (‘dogereen’?), or maybe Logan’s Run (Logan’s waddle?)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Looking Serious

It was really hard to get his attention. There was another dog nearby.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Looking Serious

Among the stumpier corgis I’ve met. There are two kinds of corgis: ones with really short legs, and ones with pretty much no legs at all.

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Dog of the Day: English Setter

Someone wasn’t doing a lot of setting.

English Setter

These guys always look so droopy.

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Dog of the Day: Stevie the Golden Retriever Puppy

Stevie (girl, 3 months old) is my new best friend.

Man With Mask Holding Golden Retriever Puppy

The city has had a puppy population explosion.

Man With Mask Holding Grinning Golden Retriever Puppy

It’s one of the things making my life a little better.


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Dog of the Day: Shayna the Hovawart

I ran into Shayna  (6) a few years back, but all my pictures of her were too blurry to use. And then I ran into her again, at the dog wash, but all I got was one schnozz shot. Fortunately, there are no such complications this time.

Hovawarts really do look like golden retrievers with a really good dye job.

Hovawart Looking Silly And Happy

Shayna is ‘Shay’ for short, or ‘Shay-Shay’ when she’s being bad.

Hovawart Looking Silly And Happy

And apparently “Shay-Shay” (or a close facsimile thereof) means ‘Thank you’ in Cantonese. So apparently it’s “Thank you for being naughty!”

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Sunday Snack-y Switchup: Mara’s Italian Pastries

Mara’s is one of the ubiquitous bakeries/dessert places in North Beach. There are quite a few of them. I’ve tried a couple, and have pretty much universally been disappointed. But I hadn’t tried Mara’s yet. I was walking by, out for my Saturday constitutional, and figured I should try it out, too.

Chocolate Mousse Cake From Mara's Italian Pastries

I tried seven different flavors of their cookies, and their chocolate mousse cake, pictured above.

Verdict: meh. Their cookies all tasted more or less the same, even despite ‘this one is mint and this one is raspberry and blah blah’. Then again, they weren’t bad, just all sort of similar. Call it 2.5 out of 5 for the cookies.

The chocolate mousse cake tasted pretty good, but was undistinguished in every other way. The texture was fine but uninteresting. It certainly is pretty, though, isn’t it? 3/5

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