Dog of the Day: Felonious Goldendoodle

I went out and took some pictures earlier today. Some of them are rather impressive, of the remains of the Fisherman’s Wharf Fire. I’ll see if I can’t post them this coming Saturday. I checked out a few parks, too.

Goldendoodle Playing Tug Of War With A Picnic Blanket

As well as the dogs, there were rather a lot of not-very-distant people. Sigh.

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Sunday Switchup: English as Apple Pie

I did another order fromĀ The Brazen Head, and thought I’d try out another dessert after a bit of a disappointment last time. I figured I’d try their ‘fruit pie’ (it didn’t say what kind). Sorry that the presentation isn’t all it could be, but that’s certainly not their fault. I couldn’t get the pie out of the box without making it disintegrate.

Slice of Peach Pie

This time it was peach. And it was lovely. I didn’t order it with ice cream, but upon consideration, it would have been gilding the lily. The crust somehow managed to be just about perfect, despite sitting in a box for about 35 minutes. The filling was great, a little on the sweet side for me, but I prefer tart to sweet. Nothing in any way innovative or exciting about it, which knocks it down to a still very solid 4/5. Would order again in a second.

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Dog of the Day: Contented Corgi

Someone is getting nearly enough attention. Nearly.

Two Women Petting Pembroke Welsh Corgi

A very dignified expression, not spoiled in the least by the very slight tongue protrusion.

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Dog of the Day: Fetching Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I realized where in my collection I could find a bunch of pictures I hadn’t posted yet: old CorgiCons! I always have so many corgis around then that I only end up using a tenth of them. So brace yourselves: corgis incoming!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi With A Tail And A Ball

All I want is someone who looks at me like this dog looks at … whoever will throw that ball.

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Dog of the Day: Who Is This Masked Pup?

I’m guessing the pup is a Tibetan terrier, but I’m not sure.

Tibetan Terrier And Woman Sitting On Wall

I love that these two have matching jackets, hats… and masks!

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Double Dog Day: Frenchie Focus

Another couple of pictures from my foray of yesterday. The goofier one is pretty sharp, but the one I really wanted, the puppy, is pretty blurry. Still cute though!

Grey And White French Bulldog Puppy Running Towards Camera

Four months old, and running around like a mad dog.

Two French Bulldogs Wrestling

There were four Frenchies, four different owners, all playing together.

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Dog of the Day: Basenji

I went out this morning with a camera that I got late last year and have barely, between being sick early in the year and homebound right now, been able to use at all. It’s a handheld Panasonic, with a 10x zoom and an oversized sensor.

I have to say, I’m somewhat disappointed at the quality, at least at the long end of the zoom. It was super-bright outside, and I had exposure bracketing on, and it has optical image stabilization, so I should have had at least some pictures that were sharp, even if they were the dark ones. I got almost nothing sharp. I’ll have to spend some more time with it, and see if I was just screwing things up myself.

Anyway, I did run across this cutie, and he’s the first basenji we’ve had since forever.

Squinting Basenji

I wonder if they’re all that spotty under their coats?

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Dog of the Day: Toby the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy

Another mystery. How did I not post Toby when I first took his picture, a couple years ago, when he was 4 months old? He has a lovely instagram page, too, which you should totally check out.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Looking Dubious

He was an Airbnb pup, back when I was working in that building.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I ran into him again under a table during lunch. He was picking up crumbs.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

He had a lot of friends, too. Not shown here was a Lab puppy that he’s looking at.

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Dog of the Day: Marlowe the Australian Cattle Dog Mix Puppy

I went out and was very careful to maintain my social distance in a dog park a couple days ago. This weekend I’m going to do it again, only this time I’m going to remember to bring the camera with the zoom lens.

Fortunately, Marlowe (5 months old) was happy to come close enough to show off his ridiculous ears. They go floop floop floop when he walks, and FLOOPFLOOPFLOOPFLOOPFLOOP when he runs. I can’t imagine what the ACD is mixed with, but I’d love to spend a bunch more time with him trying to figure it out.

No captions and no hovertext today. There’s just too much cute in there. I can’t handle it.

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Dog of the Day: Labrador Retriever Mix

This fellow’s name is not, in fact, Jones. Or, at least, if it is, it’s quite a coincidence.

I am not sure what he is. Maybe a Lab mix, but also maybe some kind of German pointer mix? Anyone have any ideas?

Labrador Retriever Mix

Poor pup seems to still be a bit freaked out by people wearing masks.

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