Saw these two while I was out getting groceries yesterday. Lucky dogs: they don’t have to worry about staying six feet away.
No captions, no hovertext. Too many cute pictures!
Saw these two while I was out getting groceries yesterday. Lucky dogs: they don’t have to worry about staying six feet away.
No captions, no hovertext. Too many cute pictures!
Well, you remember how I said I was going to order some tarts from Miette for this week? ‘This time for sure?’ Well, I did! And they cancelled the order. Turns out they aren’t making tarts at the moment, probably because the filling isn’t cooked, and they don’t want to spread viruses. Sigh.
So instead I bought a couple of things from the MINA Family Kitchen, a new venture by Michael Mina and, I guess, his family. It was created in response to the closure of his restaurant by COVID.
The food? Amazing. The desserts? Well…
This one was apparently created by Ayesha Curry, who I am not familiar with, but that’s probably because I don’t follow the world of competitive chefing (chevving?)
Honestly, not too impressed! The crust was fine, but nothing special. Could have been flakier, or could have been tastier. The filling was a little sweeter than I prefer, not as tangy, not as tart. I mean, it was fine, but it was nothing special.
Pretty, though!
Call it 3 out of 5.
I’m going to go out tomorrow and try to get some dog pictures, on my way to doing some ‘essential business’. Which is to say, I’m on my last roll of toilet paper…
A shy Bernadoodle. Who’d’a thunk it?
Someone was distraught at being left in the car. But fortunately very well-trained. She would clearly never even consider bailing out of the car through the window.
I was going to do a review of Miette, but it turns out they’re only preparing food once a week, for pickup on Saturday. And I only tried to order today. Alas!
So I ordered food from ‘The Brazen Head’, including dessert, their ‘famous Fallen Angel Torte’. This is how they describe it:
Flourless chocolate mousse on a fallen chocolate souffle and topped with chocolate shavings.
It certainly sounded intriguing! Especially the part about the fallen chocolate souffle. Although ‘flourless chocolate mousse’ seems a bit goofy, as I have certainly never heard of a chocolate mousse with flour in it.
Well, it tasted… fine. Good, even. But it was nothing special. Basically a mousse on what amounts to a little bit of softer-than-usual flourless chocolate cake. With chocolate shavings, which is what everybody uses to garnish anything when they can’t think of anything better to use. And, roughly speaking, a little of the icing from cinnamon buns drizzled on top.
Meh. 3/5. It was fine, but it wasn’t worth the calories.
I found a kitty I hadn’t posted before!
I ran into Leo quite a while back, in Illinois. He was both a very fluffy and a very good boy.
When I took this picture, Nellie had recently turned 1. She’s two and a half by now. I feel so remiss for not featuring her before this, but at least COVID is giving me a chance to run through a lot of my old stuff.
I’ve seen this pup around a few times. So adorable.