Dog of the Day: Laica the Belgian Malinois Mix

Laica is six years old, but new to the family: she had just been adopted less than five weeks before this picture was taken. When she was adopted, she was skittish and skinny and stayed far away from strangers. When I took these pictures it was next to impossible to get a good one because she kept trying to crawl into my lap or lick the camera or run circles around her dad and me. She was just the happiest thing ever.

Edit: Oops! Malinois, not Tervuren.

Belgian Malinois Mix

It didn’t help that I was taking them inside, without enough light. All but this one were blurry.

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Dog of the Day: Scone the Papillon Dachshund Mix

Scone (5, boy) is just about the best laptop-lapdog ever.

Woman Holding Dachshund Papillon Mix On Her Lap

Also that is just about the perfect name.

Dachshund Papillon Mix In A Lap

Reminds me a lot of Watson.

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Dog of the Day: Frita the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy

Frita is only six months old. Hard to believe… I think she’s gonna be a pretty big corg!

Tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I kept hearing ‘Frito’ when I asked for her name. In my defense, a LOT of corgis are named after food. And Frito would be an awesome corgi name.

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Dog of the Day: Kira the Greyhound

Kira has a hekkuva boopable snoot!

Greyhound Looking Amazed

Kira is definitely greying, but she’s only 6. I think it makes her look elegant.

Greyhound Poking Her Nose Into The Camera

Except when she does this.

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Dog of the Day: Kenzie the Irish Terrier

I’ve only had a couple of Irish terriers on here before. Kenzie is a lovely example of the breed.

Irish Terrier Licking Her Lips

It’s funny how many Irish dogs are… gingers.

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Sunday Switchup: Chinchillin’

Someone was just hanging out, waiting to be adopted.

Chinchilla Looking Very Chill

It’s a tribble with ears!

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Caturday Supplement: Clara the ‘Nava Masquerade’ Siberian Cat

Clara (6 months old) is the first airbnb kitten I have ever had the pleasure of running across. Her dad brought her in to work at airbnb. She was maybe a bit hesitant, but not too shy. This was the first time I saw her, and every time someone came by she was happy to let them pet her. The second time I came by, she was wandering around… on-leash, of course.

She is of the breed Siberian cat, apparently ‘Nava Masquerade’ subtype. And she has an adorable instagram page.

Gorgeous Nava Masquerade Siberian Cat

I only wish my ear hair were that attractive. Since it’s close to that long.

Gorgeous Nava Masquerade Siberian Cat

That ‘Masquerade’ is gorgeous too.

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Dog of the Day: Myles the Baby Fruit Bat Er I Mean Chihuahua Yorkie Mix

Myles (girl, 8) is a pup from work that I’ve known for a beeeellion years (or at least two) now, and who I won’t be seeing nearly as often now. Why? Because I’m leaving Hipmunk, and will be working at Automatic soon!

I will have to go back and visit Myles occasionally though, because she is a friend and I do not abandon friends.

Black Chihuahua Yorkshire Terrier Mix

You can see why I call him my baby bat.

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Dog of the Day: Copper the Shih Tzu Puppy

Copper appears to be a ridiculously adorable four-month-old front half of a puppy.

Cute Little Shih Tzu Puppy

I wonder what the name of his back half is?

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Dog of the Day: [James] Joyce the Irish Wolfhound

I ran into James Joyce (3, Joyce to his friends) earlier this year, but I just saw him again and I really liked this picture, so you get to see him again too.

Scruffy Wolfhound Whose Fur Is Blowing In The Wind

So glamorous… fur blowing in the wind…

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