Caturday Supplement: Belated Halloween Black Kitty!

The down side of being able to actually get to sleep without drugging myself (due to finally lowering my stress) is that I have about eight months of sleep to catch up on. GOD I AM TIRED. I feel like sleeping like a cat: twelve hours a day, maybe in two six-hour chunks, or three four-hour chunks. Either one is fine.

Black Cat Licking Its Hind Foot

Just SLIGHTLY crosseyed. To be fair, I get crosseyed staring at my own toes too.

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Dog of the Day: Maple the Labradoodle Puppy

Maple (a 6-month-old girl) is, as the cool kids say, ‘heckin dapper’.

Tricolor Labradoodle With A Bow Tie

Pff. I bet she didn’t even tie it herself.

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Dog of the Day: Gorgeous Australian Shepherd

If I looked half this good I would have gone into modeling.

Gorgeous Red Merle Australian Shepherd

Her left eye (the one turned away) is about 1/4 brown. Such striking eyes.

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Dog of the Day: Pippin the Jack Russell Terrier Puppy

Pippin was 3.5 months old when these pictures were taken. Such a little scruffster!

Little Jack Russell Terrier Puppy Being Held Up

Out in front of a favorite restaurant of mine, Split. Great salads, great brunches, and the breakfast potatoes are devastating to a diet.

Jack Russell Terrier Puppy Licking Child's Fingers

I wasn’t the only one: he had a lot of fans. Of all ages.

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Dog of the Day: Gus the Basset Hound Mix

Well, today was… intense. I’m completely exhausted. So have a low-effort no-hovertext, no-caption post of Gus. Gus is 6 and my notes say he is a ‘Basset hound gas mix’. I… have no idea what that means. Guesses?


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Caturday Supplement: Tuxedo Kitty

Another of Autumn’s fine furry friends.

Tuxedo Cat Sticking Out A Little Bit Of Tongue

A cat with its eyes dilated like that is feeling comfortable and friendly and very interested in being petted.

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Dog of the Day: White Shepherd Mix

Another SPCA dog. This one was tucked in a corner with a sign that said ‘Please don’t look straight at me, I’m shy!’ I am not sure ‘shy’ is exactly the right word. (They also claimed that he barked a lot. Well, not when I was there!)

White Shepherd Mix Looking Into Camera

So here’s my secret: I stood next to the window without making eye contact for maybe… two minutes. After that, he was totally fine with everything. A little patience goes a long way.

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Double Dog Day: Boston Terrier Mix Puppies

Ran into these two at the SPCA. I bet they weren’t there for very long at all, though.

Edit: What was I thinking? Boston terrier, not French bulldog!

French Bulldog Mix Puppy Lying With His Head On His Brother's Butt

Could be mixed with pit bull, maybe?

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Dog of the Day: Lexie the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Sometimes I think corgis like Lexie (female, 6) know how to look maximally ridiculous, and do so on purpose.

Corgi Looking Goofy

Lexi is certainly a pro at the ‘wharrgrbl’ face.

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Sunday Switchup: Hallowiener!

Someone has a punny sense of humor.

Fake Dachshund Skeleton For Halloween

I especially love the ‘bone ears’.

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