Well, today was supposed to be caturday, but it turns out to be a very VERY important day today: it is the birthday of Begley, Autumn’s family’s non-duck dog. And so of course I cannot let this pass by without some adorable pictures.
All of these awesome pictures are by Autumn except a couple.

Soulful golden.


Begley loves the dog park. Especially when he finds friendly basset hounds to play with.

Beglet (nickname) on the left, Roxie on the right, and Calamity (aka Calamakitty) in the middle.

Smile for the camera, Begley!

Yes, that is a golden retriever dressed in a golden retriever costume. He liked it, too.

Roxie and Begley playing. Begley is on the right.

Begley left, Roxie right.

As you might imagine, I took this one. (Please don’t kill me, Autumn. 🙂

Happy birthday, Beglet!