Tag Archives: Standard Poodle

Dog of the Day: Tremendously Fluffy Labradoodle

Oh my god fluff. This was an 8-month-old labradoodle that I ran into. The fellow walking him was friendly but didn’t want to give the dog’s name, since it was his boss’s dog. Seems a wee bit silly to me, … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Well-Trained Standard Poodle

Lazy post today, since I’m writing a (non-dog-related) post for another blog this evening. Found this pup a couple weeks back. Good training! Mom or dad just put the leash down and the dog stayed right where he was left. … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Landis the Poodle

Name: Landis. Age: 7 yrs. Occupation: fighting crime. (I think the darker areas around his eyes make him look like he’s wearing a superhero mask. Just me? Oh. All right, then.)

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Double Dog Day: Standard Poodle and Shetland Sheepdog

Not feeling so hot, so just one picture for today.

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Dog of the Day: Willow the Standard Poodle Service Dog

I propose a toast: to all the service dogs, waiting patiently for the opportunity to help. If I could summon a tenth as much dedication, I’d be a better person for it.

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Double Dog Day: Fiona and Humphrey the Goldendoodles

Fiona is a repeat customer from way back. I haven’t met Humphrey before. The two of them together are a force to be reckoned with.

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Dog of the Day: Balder the Tummy-Rub-Loving Standard Poodle

Balder (named for the Norse god Balder the Beautiful, natch) is a total sucker for belly rubs. As you can see.

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Dog of the Day: Black Standard Poodle

Black dogs are tough to take pictures of. Features tend to disappear, whether in sunlight (where weird contrast effects make white highlights out of random parts of the coat, and where details disappear entirely in shadow) or shade/overcast conditions (where … Continue reading

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Triple Dog Day: Collie/Australian Shepherd, Friggin’ Humongous Poodle, and Great Dane Mix

Despite appearances, these three were having the time of their lives. The poodle did look a little uncomfortable at one or two points, but he had a pretty effective means of communicating this, and the others apparently backed off when … Continue reading

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Triple Dog Day: In Which Our Hero is Teased by a Pair of Standard Poodles

Our friend the Great Dane from yesterday has found a couple of friends. He could handle either one individually, but when they gang up on him, he doesn’t have a prayer.

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