Dog of the Day: Matcha the Floofy Samoyed Puppy

Is she really only 3 months old? She’s so huge!

Samoyed Looking Extra Floofy

Matcha likes very gentle pets. (And also very firm pets. And everything else in between.)

Lolling Samoyed

She also likes belly rubs.

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Caturday Supplement: Macy’s Christmas Kittens

Just some Christmas kitties from a couple years ago. Was just going through my back catalog (pun intended) and thought ‘how did I never use that one?’

Two Kittens Sleeping On A Cat Bed

Kittens often do the Christmas Dinner thing: eat way too much and then do the ‘food coma’ thing for twelve hours.

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Double Dog Play: Husky Corgi Mix and Labradoodle Playing

These two were having SO MUCH FUN.

Siberian Husky Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix Playing With Labradoodle

I don’t get to watch pups play very often. It’s so adorable the way they dance.

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Double Dog Day: Calvin and Hobbes the Fetching Frenchies

These two would play fetch until they were so exhausted they couldn’t stand up if you let them. We stopped somewhat before that, when my arm got tired.

Two French Bulldogs Playing Fetch

Hobbes is on the left, Calvin is on the right.

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Dog of the Day: Donatello the Repeat Customer Schnauzer Puppy

We ran into Donatello (aka Donny) once before, when he was but a wee 11-week-old sprog. Well, in these pictures he’s only four months old but if you don’t know his size you might almost mistake him for a full-grown labradoodle!

Oh, and that size? Bigger than you’d expect for a four-month-old standard schnauzer. I have the feeling he’s gonna grow up to be a biggun!

Black Standard Schnauzer Puppy

There are eyes in there somewhere, I promise. Plus, notice the only part of him that just wouldn’t stay still? Happy pup!

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Dog of the Day: Yogi the Maltese Poodle Mix Puppy

Doggie bags are awesome. Especially puppy-bags.

Edit: Eek, I got the breed wrong and left off the name. This is Yogi, aka Yoga, the Maltese poodle mix puppy, aged 13 weeks, with the apt instagram ‘@yogithetinydog‘.

Woman With Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy In Bag

The cutest pair EVER.

Woman With Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy In Bag

I never got that pup to look in my direction once. Not even for a second.

Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy In Bag

This is about as close as it got. Super side-eye action.

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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky Puppy

Inexcusable! How could I possibly have not gotten this pup’s name or age down?

Well, regardless, I do see that I caught him or her in the midst of a sneeze. So you get to see the photos of the experience! But no captions or hovertext because well, wouldn’t that be just gilding the lily?

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Caturday Supplement: Marmie Lady

An SPCAt for your Caturday fun.

Marmalade Tiger Tabby Kitten

Someone was very, very eager to be taken home.

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PSA: If You Can’t See Dogs Of SF, Clear Your DoSF Browser History

I just upgraded php on the host that runs Dogs of SF today. What does this mean to you? Well, probably nothing. But if something weird happens, it’s probably just a glitch in the switch, as they might say (but probably don’t). Close the window for DoSF, clear the browser history for it (you don’t have to clear it all, just the DoSF history) and then open a new window and navigate back to it.

It was a giant pain in the tuchus oh my yes. But apparently it was necessary for security, so I did it. The things I do for you folks!

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Dog of the Day: Cocker Spaniel

Another ‘Wag’ dog. I love the contrast in the expressions.

Happy Cocker Spaniel Looking Out A Window

I also love the hair. I used to have hair that was a little darker than that, but parted in just about the same place.

Cocker Spaniel Looking Glum

Now I’m more of a Mexican hairless, if you know what I mean.

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