Now you might think from the first picture that Swenson is a full-grown golden retriever, and if you did I wouldn’t blame you. But actually that’s Swenson, the nine-month-old long-haired miniature dachshund puppy behind that huge smile and pokey snoot.
You’d better be wearing long pants around this one, because otherwise you will get your ankles licked mercilessly.And then he will look very, very smug.
Can’t tell if these two are English mastiffs or bullmastiffs, nor whether the one looking at the camera is grey, black (in direct sunlight), or dark/brindle (which is what I think the closer one is). Maybe we can get Autumn to chime in? Or maybe one of you out there can tell me?
I’m also not 100% sold on this mode of transportation. Especially since it looks like at least one of them could easily end up dangling over the side by his neck.
Blade (2) is a vicious, evil, terrible… hold on… I’m just getting a message that the staff at the hotel Blade and his dad are staying at have given Blade the nickname ‘Butterknife’. Apparently he came into the hotel, licked everyone in sight, got into the elevator, and (never having ridden in an elevator before) instantly wet himself the moment it started moving.
Ah, well, fortunately Blade is not employed to protect his dad from LITTLE MOVING ROOMS.
He was tough to get pictures of. He really did want to lick me, and if I didn’t let him, he wanted to lick someone else and ignore me.
Clapton is thirteen years old, and he’s doing great! His back legs aren’t working quite as well as they used to but he still gets around the park just fine. He does have trouble walking long distances, though, so dad got him some assistance of the best kind.
Also included is a bonus completely bewildering picture.
This is what happens when you pet Clapton and then stop.And this is what happens when dad picks him up in his backpack. INSTANT HAPPY.This is what the previous picture looked like before retouching. No, that’s not his hair. No, I have no idea what that is. I mean it’s probably not a halo? I don’t think? Anyone know?
Rip (3) is named after a character in Yellowstone, which is a show that I have not had the pleasure of watching. But if the main character was a dog this cute, I’d be on it like cute on pups.
I asked if he was named after Rip Torn or Rip Van Winkle. I am pathetically out of touch.