Sunday Switchup: Flowers in the Desert

When I was out in Phoenix with my brother, we went for a little hike. It was the wrong time of year for flowers, but I did manage to find just one flowering plant.

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Caturday Supplement: Asymmetric Tuxedo Kitty

You don’t see markings like this every day.

Tuxedo kitten With Asymmetrical Markings

A Macy’s kitty, since adopted. Someone got lucky: cute, very distinctive, very playful, and very friendly.

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Dog of the Day: Nooshka the Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Nooshka’s name supposedly means ‘Busy Nose’ in Russian. Now, I studied Russian and I know that nose is, well, ‘noss’ or thereabouts. ‘Little Nose’ would be Noshka, which…

…eh, who cares. Nooshka the Busy Nose it is!

Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Busy nose indeed. Nooshka was sitting along the side of the main hallway in the Ferry Building, trying to snuffle everyone who walked by.

Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Look at those velvety-soft ears.


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Dog of the Day: An Old Friend And True

Of the canine friends I made shortly after I arrived in San Francisco, there’s only one left. On sunny days, sometimes I find him lying out sunbathing on my jog in to work. And on very rare cloudy and cool days, I find him out cloud-bathing, in his aviator jacket.

Old Dachshund In Leather Bomber Jacket Lying On Mat

He’s lost a couple of canine buddies himself. But it constantly amazes me how many people drop by to say hi to him every day.

Old Dachshund In Leather Bomber Jacket Lying On Mat

He makes the same ridiculous squeaky sounds for them that he does for me.

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Dog of the Day: Spike the Standard Schnauzer

Spike is another pup I ran into on my trip to Phoenix. He was also visiting, in his case from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Grey Standard Schnauzer Tilting His Head To The Side

He wasn’t a puppy but he had that puppy-head-tilt thing down pat.

Woman With Grey Standard Schnauzer Who Is Grinning

He apparently got his name from his previously-EXTREMELY-spiky eyebrows.

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Dog of the Day: Tilly the American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy

I found a very silly puppy named Tilly (10 months) when I was in Arizona. She was looking a little bored while sitting outside at a cafe, so I was forced to go play with her before we went inside to order. And after we ordered but before we got our food. And after we ate and were leaving.

Brindled Pit Bull Puppy Playing With A Tennis Ball

Tilly was fully capable of making her own fun.

Brindled Pit Bull Puppy Playing With A Tennis Ball

However, she absolutely loves to play fetch.

Brindled Pit Bull Puppy Playing With A Tennis Ball

However, she had her own very special version: she threw the ball, and I fetched it.

Brindled Pit Bull Puppy Playing With A Tennis Ball

I didn’t mind. It was too cute.

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Sunday Switchup: Scenes From Sedona

On Christmas break, I visited my brother, and we took a day trip up from his home in Tempe, Arizona, to Sedona. It was pretty.

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Caturday Supplement: Sleepy Macy’s Kitty

This kitty was backstage at the Macy’s adoption event on New Year’s Eve, just patiently waiting for someone to come and carry her away, and take good care of her.

Sometimes I feel a lot like her. Except I think she has a better chance of having it happen.

Yes, I can take care of myself. But it’d be nice, once in a while, to have someone to do it for me.

Fluffy Black Cat With Gold Eyes Dozes With Her Head On A Cat Bed

This kitty was already among the lucky ones.

Fluffy Black Cat With Gold Eyes Dozes With Her Head On A Cat Bed

Someone was coming by to pick her up about an hour after I left.

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Dog of the Day: Bina the German Shepherd Mix

Poor Bina! Someone ran over her paw in a car. She must be pretty darn tough, though, since she wasn’t even limping.

German Shepherd Mix Dog With Half Flopped Ears And Bandaged Paw

Magnificent ears. What else do you suppose is in there besides my guess of German shepherd?

German Shepherd Mix Dog With Half Flopped Ears And Bandaged Paw Lying On Her Side And Asking For A Belly Rub

There’s nothing like a dog who knows what she likes.

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Tidus the Famous Corgi, Requiescat In Pace

Alas, poor Tidus. He passed away last Sunday, at the ripe old age of nearly-fifteen. He had a pretty amazing run, especially considering how badly he injured his spine. Even up until a few weeks ago, he was doing amazingly… when I took him for a walk, he was no different than he had been three years ago. Which is to say, incredibly reluctant and ridiculously stubborn for the first two blocks, and delighted and chipper for the rest of a good mile or so, round-trip.

I’ve been thinking about why Tidus’s death has affected me so deeply, and I’ve come to the realization that he really is the dog that I’ve really known for the longest in my entire life. I first met him through his front gate, where I for a while said hello to him every morning when I walked or jogged to work. When I met Anh, I got to visit with him more often, and when Autumn started pet-sitting, Tidus was one of our first customers, and I got dog-sitting duty quite early on.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m going to miss the heck out of that obstinate, adorable little fuzzball.

Tidus the Famous Corgi Sniffing Graffiti On The Sidewalk That Says Red Dog

Tan Pembroke Welsh Corgi Playing Tug-Of-War

Red And White Pembroke Welsh Corgi Sticking Out His Tongue At Me

Ridiculous Red And White Pembroke Welsh Corgi Selfie

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Looking Adorable

Tidus the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Tidus the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Looking Like A Goofy Buddha

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Fawn and White Pembroke Welsh Corgi Butt

Goodbye, Tidus. I’ll miss you so much.

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