Dog of the Day: Logan the German Shepherd Golden Retriever Puppy

I’m getting very tired of my eye not working right. It’s supposed to be fine by now. But then, it was supposed to be fine by a week ago, and by ten days ago, too.

Fortunately, I have cute pups like Logan to console me.

No captions or hovertext, because I’m… very tired.

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Dog of the Day: Lando the Awesome Mutt

According to Lando’s dad and his handy dandy DNA test, Lando (1) is a German shepherd/Australian cattle dog/Brittany spaniel. Quite a combo, and you can see a little of each of them in him.

Oh, he also has an Instagram: @LastLickLando.

Brittany Spaniel Australian Cattle Dog German Shepherd Mix Grinning
Lando is wearing a little ‘I voted’ tag around his neck, which I think is pretty hilarious.
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Dog of the Day: Bambi the Chihuahua Mix

Bambi (4) is a boy, like the deer by that name, but unlike the typical human with that name.

Fluffy Tan Chihuahua Mix
Bambi is definitely a little hyper, but basically friendly.
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Dog of the Day: Joey the German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Husky Mix

Joey (1) is quite a mix. He’s got the sense of humor of a husky, the sense of humor of a German shepherd, and the sense of humor of a Labrador retriever…

German Shepherd Husky Labrador Retriever Mix
I love the way he travels with his own little bed.
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Sunday Switchup: Cute Art

Wandering around my neighborhood, I periodically run across street art and similar things. In this case, by someone apparently known as Ian the Meow. (Instagram here.)

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Caturday Supplement: Charlie

I’m still not terribly functional, eyeball-wise, but Autumn has sent me some cat pictures. Yay! According to her, “Charlie was rescued from the streets of Los Angeles, and is recovering from being attacked by another cat.” However, he’s apparently still a pretty happy cat. (And get a load of those huge pupils in the last picture! Sure looks like he loves Autumn.)

No captions though, sorry ’bout that.

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Dog of the Day: Riggins the German Shepherd Beagle Mix

There might be another breed or two in there, but Riggins (6) doesn’t care. He’s just moseying along, minding his own business. And maybe a little of yours, but only if you want him to.

No captions or hovertext today. Screwing around with little stuff is giving me a headache for the moment. So just enjoy the glorious, glorious snoot.

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Dog of the Day: Harper the Unknown Mixed Breed

Unnngh. Still recovering from having my eyeball shaved. Recommendation: do not do this recreationally, because it is not terribly enjoyable.

Harper (4) is a real cutie, isn’t she? I am not sure what she is. Her folks think she’s part Australian cattle dog, but she’s not fetch-crazy, and I’ve never met even a part-Aussie that wasn’t. To me she looks like she’s part Catahoula, but who knows?

Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix Grinning
Dog + Bandana = Yay!
Catahoula Hog Dog Mix Grinning
If I’d had the time, I would have followed this pup around all day.
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Dog of the Day: Mocha the Bernadoodle

It constantly surprises me how quickly new mixes take off. Five years ago, Bernese/poodle mixes were vanishingly rare. Now I see a pup like Mocha (1, boy) several times a week.

Grinning Bernadoodle
They’re an awesome mix, I must admit. A lot like Berners, except they live a lot longer.
Photographer Scratching Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Under The Chin
Even if they are a little exuberant sometimes.
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Sunday Switchup: Rare Flower

I ran across this rather unusual flower while I was out wandering a couple of weeks ago. Pretty, don’t you think?

Man. Brutal vaccine reaction, followed by eighteen hours of work over this weekend. I need a vacation. Instead, I have a lot to do Monday and Tuesday to put my work in order, getting ready for surgery Wednesday. (Very low-risk, so I’m not worried, but quite unpleasant, so I’m nervous.)

Ornate Gold Earring Dangling From Bush
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